Pointers and Tips for Date Night With Providers

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
When taking providers out on dates what is your typical game plan? What type of conversation topics do you bring up?

I would suggest the following:

1.) I can't emphasize this enough Listen to live music as you dine...Sambuca's is decent...and try something different take her to Pete's fine meats (low end) or maybe even a nice Moroccan themed restaurant, or a nice grade of Sushi. Nothing like a good taste of Wasabi to spice up your date.

2.) Go dancing even if all you can do is a country two-step

3.) If you cant dance to save your life then fuck it... Karaoke is an option or maybe even my fave Rollerskating {rollbounce}

4.)Always ensure a Tabacco Hookah is nearby women dont like the harsh smell and taste of cigars.

5.)Go play on giant trampolines for adults or catch a comedy show at the Houston Improv.

Just some pointers for you fellas to break the monotony if monotony does exist.
USAsoldier's Avatar
Speaking of Sambuca's in DT, I dj'd a UTMB grad party on the 2nd floor ballroom. Had a wonderful night with 2 graduate brunettes! Good times indeed. #TrueStory
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Bruh...that's what's up. I havent been to Sambuca's in awhile because I'm currently on some Anthony Bourdain shit...eating at hole in the walls getting myself ready for the zombie apocalypse...but I hear its still a nice place.
Slitlikr's Avatar
By definition you don't date a provider.
Posters like you and ww have such vacant personal lives full of rejection that your only option is to pay for a lady to roller skate with you.
I'll keep you in my prayers, brah.
ICU 812's Avatar
By definition you don't date a provider.
Posters like you and ww have such vacant personal lives full of rejection that your only option is to pay for a lady to roller skate with you.
I'll keep you in my prayers, brah. Originally Posted by Slitlikr
Yeah . . .I am with you on this.

I do have a life that has some complexity. I see providers occasionally to round out that life or fill-in the corners. Thinking about it now and counting on my fingers (by decades) I have not really done any real-world "dating" since the early 1970s.

If there is a night out with dinner and entertainment, I know who I will be with family.

The only "date" venue or experience I might think about with a provider might be a swinger's club or something like that. But then, if I am paying for the company of a beautiful woman who I know will put-out at the end of the evening . . .why would I take her out to some swap-meet?