Savannah Moon's Avatar
They are here. Of course but will be capturing folks via the way that they do. Stick with what you know! stick with what you know ! stick with what you know! I am sending unique Carpenter and the mods information and I will be posting the women's area and women you can you can contact me via my phone number.
Thanks Savannah...I knew UFO's were real
Boredinop's Avatar
This is sooooooooo helpful for the men
trying to justify their jobs by picking on poor working people.
I don’t see them yet.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Play nice
dumars's Avatar
They're coming to take me away,
Haha, they're coming to take me away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the Happy Home with Trees and Flowers
And Chirping Birds and basket weavers
Who sit and smile and
Twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they're coming to Take me Away,

Savannah Moon's Avatar
Thanks Savannah...I knew UFO's were real Originally Posted by BigDeal
After being on here that alone should have been proof enough
I reached out to a mod and unique Carpenter instructions are in the post. If the statement is stick with what you know. Perhaps it's really good idea right now.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Thank you Savannah
They're coming to take me away,
Haha, they're coming to take me away,
Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,
To the Happy Home with Trees and Flowers
And Chirping Birds and basket weavers
Who sit and smile and
Twiddle their thumbs and toes
And they're coming to Take me Away,

Originally Posted by dumars
Dumars I laughed all night that was some funny shit. Thanks for the humor.
dumars's Avatar
While those with ulterior motives would "disagree"!
But thank you!

Dumars I laughed all night that was some funny shit. Thanks for the humor. Originally Posted by Lubeman
Savannah Moon's Avatar
Anyone can acess these threads.
UC is going to call me .
Do you all remember 3 yrs ago when ther er was a HUGE bust vis a hobbyist who surrendered his profile to HLS?

15 providers saw him/ HLS
He had given multiple reviews.
Very active.
One was my bestie & he was a regular visiting client.

Just be extremely safe.
A serial killer just killer multiple women & we are in the spotlight.
Joke if you must.
Wgatever makes you feel better.

Be safe..because if you get or won't be a city ordance violation and it could be a loophole for HLS to run rampant.

More information will be given to my PIC
( We'll see if this gets flagged ) Any Vaughn Bode fans ?

dumars's Avatar
Do you all remember 3 yrs ago when there was a HUGE bust vis a hobbyist who surrendered his profile to HLS? Originally Posted by Savannah Moon

Does anybody remember the post some months ago where an "active" hobbyist from "Southern Rhode Island" bad-mouthed a number of ladies? How many (still) believe the poster was a hobbyist? That is an active hobbyist gave up their profile to a woman!

A serial killer just killer multiple women & we are in the spotlight. Originally Posted by Savannah Moon

Unfortunately that is a phenomena throughout the world!! The human animal is what we all have been for thousands upon thousands of years! This level of evil preys upon the easiest to approach and missed the least! And those people are the street vendors!! Yes, it does happen to others but far, far less often!
DallasRain's Avatar
Thanks miss moon...appreciate ya!

Thats why I am very strict with screening process..I have been lucky that I have so many repeat friends that keep me happy when I visit!!