Where has the luv, chivalry, respect, or even EFFORT gone????

ANYONE who's ever met me at a function knows I'm not arrogant, snotty, or entitled in any way. Precisely the opposite. I am very sweet and giggly. Bodering on GOOFY, actually. This post endangers that persona- please understand it is SEVERELY PROVOKED THIS LAST WEEK AND THIS BEHAVIOR IS NOT THE TYPE OF COMPANY I WANT. (Disclaimer- you don't have to bring a gift to hang with me, but if I go to the CLUB with you for lunch or run around doing fun stuff, DON'T INSULT ME! My time is valuable too and I am generous with it sometimes!)

Not 2 months ago people (EVEN NEWBIES!!!!) were still being charming- even chivalrous, bringing me ORCHIDS, PLANTS, BOTTLES of Glenlivet, VO, SKYY(even CHEAP vodka or bourbon!), Shiraz, red wine, taking me to lunch or the CLUB, the occasional outfit and photos (BEGGED from ME!!! by the way), bringing me the odd gift (or odd GIRL!!!), etc...... never expected OR asked for (well... occasionally the requested cocktail of choice..... ). NOW.....I have Friends I've known and spent free time with for MANY yrs acting as if I SHOULD COMPENSATE THEM FOR THIER TIME!!!!! When we are HANGING OUT!!!!!(ANGRY+INSULTED+WTF?- entitled= ???confused) There R 50 PEOPLE THAT WOULD GIVE A FINGER!! TO SPEND SOME FREE TIME WITH AN ADORING, INTELLIGENT (DOESN'T MATTER TO EVERYONE!!!!! HAHA), PRETTY GIRL!!!!!! IN ANY TOWN!!!!...................... .............?

I don't care if you are OBESE, HAIRY, SWEATY, ACNE, SCALY(NOT INFECTIOUS, obviously) SHAKY, DISTURBING, HAVE A SKIN CONDITION, BIZARRE BEHAVIOR, DEFORMED, SO UGLY OR SCARRED YOU SCARE CHILDREN, OLD AS MOSES, OR COULDN'T GET LAID IN A DENMARK WHOREHOUSE BECAUSE YOU R SO NON-TRADITIONAL IN APPEARANCE OR BEHAVIOR...............I don't give a shit about those things!!!!!!! MANY of my closest friends AND the afore-mentioned FRIENDS WOULD, to many females, fit those descriptions after a fashion. They don't remember that there are 50 OTHER PEOPLE WAITING IN LINE JUST TO HANG OUT WITH A SWEET BEAUTIFUL WOMAN WHO WILL NOT NAG them AND CUT OFF their BALLS THE WHOLE TIME they ARE IN HER PRESENCE!!!!!!! I should know, I've hung out with some fems I couldn't wait to be away from....I still like them!!!

And do they not realize that the reason I CHOSE THEM IS BECAUSE THEY WERE SWEET TO ME.....and made an effort to be regulars..WHERE OTHER'S JUST RELIED ON helping me with bills???I can get that anywhere and anyone who's ever tried to book with knows it. I CAN GET THAT ON EBAY OR BY CLEANING POOLS IN A BIKINI.......TRY AGAIN. BUT they went ahead and screwed that up by trying to get all Brody on me recently. If I wanted to not be exclusive with my company and hock my ARSE all over the internet in any town to anyone with 3 Benjis then I'd be a F-ING millionaire!!!! and there are GIRLS IN THIS TOWN THAT I KNOW THAT HAVE EVERYTHING THEY COULD EVER WANT----INCLUDING PERFECTLY ENGINEERED BODIES THAT SOMEONE ELSE PAID FOR!!!!!!!!!!! And YES, I've known how to get all that since I was 14 and have chosen a different path. APPARENTLY I'M NOT so smart.

At least my ......nevermind.

Didn't mean to cause a shitstorm, just insulted and angry for the last time. NEXT time I will feed someone their arrogance with some FAVVA BEANS, AND A NICE CHIANTI......ffffffhhhhhhh!!!! !!!!!

And why is it that when someone posts that they 'need help' people suddenly expect cheap or free? Housecleaning, babysitting, lawn, pool work, etc, etc, the list is INFINITE!!!! If I keep getting that treatment, I 'll just go to another town once a month that has money to spend and knows how to act amongst young ladies...That trip will deal with ALL my needs. If Austin doesn't cultivate the good ones, you'll have to import them...
HotButteredWhiskerBiscuit's Avatar
Heh, what's all this then?
Only one reply, have a safe trip!
See Ya.............
harkontume's Avatar
Sounds like you are upset.

I could be wrong but it really sounds that way.

However, in reading your post , I cant seem to get what specifically got you upset.
fun2come's Avatar
I think I get what got Lady Crystal upset but that is not going to get her what she needs.

Many people make the mistake of confusing Eccie with FB or G+ or Twitter (yes your's truly included sometimes). I just don't get upset, I will treat you the same (I wish I could say I get even, but then I'd be accused of threats, so NO, just expect equal treatment) ....

I can't imagine what would happen IF I call for Help at my job. These vultures would come and devour me and spit me out and I'd be done. But on the other hand if I invite them to a few drinks and chat them up and get them in a generous mood, I'd be getting all the help I need and more. Just a matter of approach in the biz world.
Where has the luv, chivalry, respect, or even EFFORT gone???? Originally Posted by Lady Crystal
They found a girlfriend. Don't worry, they'll be back when the newness of the relationship is gone and they're more useful as doormats rather than a shoulder, ear, and cock.
Wo wo wo... I resemble those remarks. Never met ya, so I don't know how you know all that. But ya ain't gotta put them all in one place ya know. Pace that shit out. Delicate flower here, bruises easily.
Don't use ebay and only clean pools sans bikini. Simple and best way not to catch anything.
Loxly's Avatar
  • Loxly
  • 08-07-2013, 06:50 PM
Whoa.... I'm certainly glad that I saw you before the eruption. Which probably wouldn't have affected my decision otherwise I would have cheated myself out of an enjoyable time. And I certainly hope I'm nowhere among your grievances.
Kanyon , you my dear resemble nothing of the sort
Wo wo wo... I resemble those remarks. Never met ya, so I don't know how you know all that. But ya ain't gotta put them all in one place ya know. Pace that shit out. Delicate flower here, bruises easily.
Originally Posted by Kanyon
LMAO, that is cute!!! You had me at pace!

I was obviously a bit DISTURBED yesterday. Here's what happened. I have been going to the strip club for lunch with a Friend for many years. WHAT?? They have good food! And the scenery is INFINITELY better than any steakhouse. So we're doing the same as always and he busts out with 'a proposal' that outlines how because of these luncheons (which I have never asked for, they were offered) he will be getting a set MONTHLY discount rate for any work I do for him in the future. Because his time is valuable, drinks cost money, etc... I said I understood and we could stop the visits. NO!!THAT wasn't what he wanted....well I'm sorry but those are the 2 options and the other doesn't work for me. I'm not rolling in it, nor in a position to pose as UNICEF right now so I guess we're BOTH screwed! SEE? I'm broke AND supposed to give until it hurts.......

Newbies used to bring 40-60 bottles of Single Malt to first appts JUST TO GET THROUGH THE DOOR (or into my heart!!! ) Now before you think I'm some greedy trollup, here's the INSULT; I KNOW HE'S ROLLING IN IT AND NOTHING HAS CHANGED!!! AND the presentation was so offensive I wanted to throw my drink in his face!! if he were in a bad place I would b understanding. I've given breaks before, no problem (see that's where the me remembering about the Scotch serves as a WILD CARD).

I adore my Friends, otherwise they wouldn't be Friends. I'm pretty sure he knows what HE DONE and will be amending his words, clarifying what his intent was....shortly. I'm a little slow so maybe I just wasn't hearing him properly. One omitted word can drastically change the meaning of a sentence, that's probably what happened.

Now that I'm not MAD. LOL
OK, I think I understand what the complaint is. I had to read it a couple times to figure it out.

A guy is going to a club with a lady, and he buys her lunch and drinks. He then declares that since is money out of his pocket he is entitled to a special discount rate on her services.

I gotta agree with Lady Crystal on this. Her business is separate from their lunch date. If she offered to buy his lunch would he think it to be fair if she charged him extra at their next meeting? I don't think so.

When you go bcd, that is the girls business. If two people go to a club for lunch and one person pays, then that is that person's decision, and does not have anything to do with business outside the club.

I think the lady just found out that the guy was only interested in going to lunch with her in order to take advantage of the situation when they met bcd.
endurance's Avatar
Low class move on his part.

But it's the way of the world today, money is everything/the only thing.
I'm glad F2C was able to figure out what she was saying, because she totally lost me. I was like: WHAT?!
Kanyon , you my dear resemble nothing of the sort Originally Posted by purtybaby

LMAO, that is cute!!! You had me at pace!
Now that I'm not MAD. LOL Originally Posted by Lady Crystal
Always good to vent a little.
fun2come's Avatar
Always good to vent a little. Originally Posted by Kanyon
There is an old Vent Thread: http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=697910
OrbitalGuru's Avatar
Well, I try to be a respectful gentleman always. All the providers I've seen have been perfect ladies as well. I think aside from being YMMV, the younger generation just didn't get the right kind of upbringing. I see it more frequently in everyday life as I get older... Shit I'm almost 40! I'm so grateful for this hobby... Makes my life better in so many ways. Love you, ladies!