Phone has a mind of its own

  • Annef
  • 08-14-2013, 11:52 AM
Not sure if this is the right forum, but I have had a couple of instances where my phone has dialed a couple of clients like 20 to 30 times. Twice that I know about, so if you have gotten a bunch of phone calls from me at exact intervals, My apologies, phone has been thrown away. Does anyone have any idea how that could have happened? My work phone is just a little go phone that looks like a blackberry. It's strange, the first time it happened I was in Lubbock and had fallen asleep with the phone right next to me; I assumed I had punched something weird in my sleep. When the guy finally texted me to ask what was going on (around 12), he said my phone had been calling him every fifteen min since 7:00 am. When I got the text phone was sitting in my purse and I was driving back to Austin. Plus, when I looked at recent calls, there was nothing there. I felt terrible as I had never seen this guy before. I'm sure he thought I was just nuts. Second time (that I know of) was this past Monday. Made an appointment via phone. He arrived two hours later and was like you know you've called me thirty times. Uhhh, nope, I did not know that. Phone was sitting on my counter, so no possibility of butt dialing. Luckily, I had seen this gentlemen before, so he felt comfortable telling me that. At any rate, phone has been thrown away and my apologies if you have gotten unwarranted phone calls from me. Does anyone have any idea how that happened? Again, a look at my recent phone calls revealed nothing.
GneissGuy's Avatar
Go phone means AT&T, right?

Did you throw the old one away and put the SIM into the new phone, or get a new phone, new number, etc.?

Do you know the model name of the old phone?

Unfortunately, there's no good way to tell.

It could be a technical problem with the phone, but I'd expect that to show up in the dialed calls list.

It could be something in the phone network.

It could be some sort of malware on your phone.

It could also be someone screwing with you and "spoofing" phone calls from your number. It's not that hard to make the caller ID say whatever you want.

However, in order for someone to do what you describe, he'd have to know which guy's number to dial. He'd have to have some sort of access to your phone or your phone account to find the right number to dial. Be sure you've gone to the Gophone web site and changed the password for web access to your phone.

It might be worth getting an entirely different phone and number if it happens again.

My gut feel is technical problems with the network, but the other options are possible, too.

Did any of these guys answer the "ghost" calls, and what if anything did they hear? Was it voice calls or texts?
  • Annef
  • 08-14-2013, 12:31 PM
Thanks for the response. I just took the battery out and threw the whole thing away. I will go to Walgreens or something and get a new one today. I don't think anyone would care to spend the energy to get access to my phone, so I don't think that could be it. I thought someone might know of some button I pushed inadvertently. I didn't ask them what they heard on the other end of the line. I'm assuming nothing since there was no one calling. I'm gonna get a little flip phone; no more open-faced phones for me.