Beau Derierre's Avatar
I would love to hear from the gent's. What categorizes a woman as a BBW? I thought is was Big Beautiful Woman? The "big" I understood meant as her bust size? All women are beautiful some outer/ inner some just inner but were all beautiful. And Woman meaning has a vajay-jay So gent's please enlighten the topic. What you consider makes a woman a BBW?

Alyssa XoXo
Wakeup's Avatar
Being one of the B's automatically disqualifies you from being the other B...
I am big and dammit I am beautiful !!!! And so are my sisters on here, besides beauty is in the eye of the beholder and lots of awesome sweet guys have been holding me just being silly
Beau Derierre's Avatar
Being one of the B's automatically disqualifies you from being the other B... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Thanks WU! After taking your challenge for 3 weeks I'm down 16lbs! Zumba twice a week and no Soda...made a big difference! I have so much more energy!
Out_of_Bounds's Avatar
5.3lbs. a wk is too much too fast.
optimal weight loss is 2-3 lbs. a week.
Results can be different for everyone I realize but be careful....
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 06-30-2012, 02:42 PM
Seen plenty chicks that ain't got outer nor inner beauty. Just fugly all around bitchs. Sometimes ugly is just ugly.
Beau Derierre's Avatar
5.3lbs. a wk is too much too fast.
optimal weight loss is 2-3 lbs. a week.
Results can be different for everyone I realize but be careful.... Originally Posted by Out_of_Bounds
The Zumba fineness instructor said, women loose a lot of water weight in the first month. I am on a 1200 calorie intake. But I do not suggest anyone reducing calorie intake without seeing your doc first..But burning a 1000+ calories an hour is kicking my ass! Feels so good! First week was hard! Sunday I start my fourth week and it's getting easier..which means time to step it up!

PS :WU Thread only made me look at my own personal laziness! I am also aware of America's top three substances that kill: Food is # 1 then follows alcohol at # 2 Then dr*g abuse at # 3. I never had a problem with 1,2,or 3.. I was just simply eating once a day and drinking a 6 pack of Dr pepper. Thank you WU for your thread! It motivated me!

Beau Derierre's Avatar
Seen plenty chicks that ain't got outer nor inner beauty. Just fugly all around bitchs. Sometimes ugly is just ugly. Originally Posted by trey
Trey I love you! That's my infamous word. "fugly"
Beau Derierre's Avatar
This was me 3 weeks ago. Trying to hide the flabby stomach! SMH! I am down 16.lbs 8 oz.. My goal is 45lbs. Once I reach my goal I will post the new pic!
Attachment 137887
Congratulations on your weight-loss. Keep up the good work.

As for the OP, it has NOTHING to do with bust-size. Big tits and a big gut go hand in hand most of the time, just ask the fat guys around here -- bitch-tits abound. That'd be like saying that spinners are girls with A cups... Most spinners will have smaller tits, but that's a side-effect of being a spinner, not the other way around.

Nothing wrong with being a BBW, just don't get butt-hurt if people notice and mention it in their reviews -- like some people around here.
Beau Derierre's Avatar

Nothing wrong with being a BBW, just don't get butt-hurt if people notice and mention it in their reviews -- like some people around here. Originally Posted by enderwiggin
Thanks enderwiggin! I don't get butt hurt. I like the "no" reviews. As we all know there are two sides to every story. I just take consideration what lead to the "no" and use it to improve my business !
Thanks enderwiggin! I don't get butt hurt. I like the "no" reviews. As we all know there are two sides to every story. I just take consideration what lead to the "no" and use it to improve my business ! Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
True. The most amusing fact is that the reviews that these super-sensitive posters are getting bent out of shape over are actually "yes" reviews. Go figure...
carkido45's Avatar
Careful not to lose more than two pounds a week or you will have problems with loose skin and stretch marks .

The best part about losing weight is going shopping for new clothes and how nice they look when your hard work pays off
Thanks enderwiggin! I don't get butt hurt. I like the "no" reviews. As we all know there are two sides to every story. I just take consideration what lead to the "no" and use it to improve my business ! Originally Posted by SensualSpecialist
You know what ? I really could care less what one insignificant person said in one review, I know I'm awesome and yes I admit openly that I am a BBW people can have their own opinion and sure it might sting a bit, but that didn't hurt me in the least or my business my phone is still ringing and like SS said it just helps me improve my business you can't please everybody all of the time...and that's all I've got to say about that.. I'm working on my weight and have lost 15 lbs..the only problem is I'm losing the girls...
Beau Derierre's Avatar
You know what ? I really could care less what one insignificant person said in one review, I know I'm awesome and yes I admit openly that I am a BBW people can have their own opinion and sure it might sting a bit, but that didn't hurt me in the least or my business my phone is still ringing and like SS said it just helps me improve my business you can't please everybody all of the time...and that's all I've got to say about that.. I'm working on my weight and have lost 15 lbs..the only problem is I'm losing the girls... Originally Posted by AllisonofHouston
You look great Allison! I still would like to know what makes a woman fall under the BBW Category? It took a lot of guts to post that horrible pic of me in the shower no make up no smile and hiding my flabby stomach. Which I am working on at my local spa. I have been getting body wraps to tighten the skin. I am loosing the weight not only for my business , but for my health!