A 7 point bump in the state after Ryan pick....

A 7 point bump in the state after Ryan pick....

http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/...d-in-wisconsin Originally Posted by Whirlaway
According to "the very respectable Real Clear Politics" (Whirly's words, not mine), as of 6:04 am EDT this morning, America and Wisconsin are both "trending" Obama.


Carry on!
You show us you do not understand the RCP polling average.

But keep up your ignorance..it means you are always several steps behind.
Romney gets 7 point bump, ignore it if it makes sucking your thumb taste better.
Romney gets 7 point bump, ignore it if it makes sucking your thumb taste better. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Ignore it if you wish but whether Wisconsin is "trending" Romney or Obama, is of little consequence. According to the latest NBC/Wall Street Journal poll they discovered disturbing trends for the Romney/Ryan team as they move toward into their national convention.

From the NBC/WSJ Poll:

"Ryan's national image is a wash in the poll: 33 percent of registered voters have a favorable opinion of him; 32 percent have an unfavorable one. Obama is the only other candidate on the presidential ballot with a positive rating in the survey -- 48 percent have a positive view of the president, compared with 43 percent who have a negative one. But Ryan's influence seems to be limited.

"The pick has had less of an impact on voters than previous running mates have had," NBC wrote. "Twenty-two percent say Ryan makes them more likely to vote for the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, while 23 percent say he makes them less likely to vote for Romney; 54 percent say the pick doesn't affect their vote either way. That margin (-1) is compared with Joe Biden's in 2008 (+8), Sarah Palin's in 2008 (+9 percent), John Edwards' in 2004 (+21), and Joe Lieberman's in 2000 (+13). Ryan's numbers come closest to Dick Cheney's in 2000 (+2)."

Romney's personal rating has remained negative as more voters make a decision about him. In the current poll, his favorability rating is 38 percent against 44 percent unfavorable. A month ago, it was a 35 favorable/40 unfavorable spit, meaning that Romney's image isn't really gaining ground. "Romney continues to have a net-negative favorable/unfavorable score (38percent/44 percent) -- which no other modern Republican presumptive presidential nominee has had," NBC pointed out."

The NBC poll may be accurate........but if Romney polling trends in Florida, Michigan, and other States hold, his personal ratings numbers become meaningless.

And NBC is a joke....only dummies follow what they say.
NiceGuy53's Avatar
According to "the very respectable Real Clear Politics" (Whirly's words, not mine), as of 6:04 am EDT this morning, America and Wisconsin are both "trending" Obama.


Carry on! Originally Posted by bigtex
Just to expand on Whirlaway's response to your ill informed post. The RCP polling average is an average of all the major polls taken during the last month. Not very useful for showing recent trends.
The real issue is the Republican brand has been, for the past 2 years, trending down. They don't get it that social issues are not political issues, to wit: Todd Akin. The entire Republican community couldn't not get out of that burning building fast enough but good ole' Todd is sticking it out because of "principles". The voters, ahem, women voters, will not tolerate a party that insists on controlling their bodies and their choices. My call: Not only does President Obama get re-elected but the Dems retain control of the Senate and with some good luck pick up some House seats, notably Paul Ryan's.
Oh, that uninvited guest Tropical Storm Isaac is "trending" towards Tampa - Act of God? Hmmmmm
Just to expand on Whirlaway's response to your ill informed post. The RCP polling average is an average of all the major polls taken during the last month. Not very useful for showing recent trends. Originally Posted by NiceGuy53
Actually the last month is one hell of a lot shorter than a previous time period Whirlybrain used last week in order to help establish one of the questionable refereces that Wisconsin was currently "trending Romney." The period he used last week was February thru April. I'm still scratching my head over the significance of that lamebrain reference. One month is a long time in Presidential year politics. 4 to 6 months is damn near an eternity.

I am not sure why Whirlybrain is so stuck on Wisconsin but let's allow his feeble and naive political mind to fantasize. Truth be known, Wisconsin is a smaller blip on the radar screen. Granted, Wisconsin is Ryan's home state and that being the case Romney is in deep shit if he can't at a minimum take his running mates home state. Had Whirly referenced Michigan, Florida, Ohio and/or Pennsylvania, any of those states can and will make a difference. The only way that Wisconsin makes a significant impact would be if Romney captures at least 2 (and probably 3) of the 4 larger states listed above.
Wisconsin is NOT a small blip, especially if it is looking to vote Romney !

Minimize the polling favorable to Romney if it makes you feel better BigTits.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2012, 01:48 PM
romney treading water, truth be known
joe bloe's Avatar
romney walking on water, truth be known Originally Posted by CJ7

I'm sure that's what you meant to say.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There is still plenty of time for either side to screw up royally. Several times. It ain't over 'til it's over.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-22-2012, 01:56 PM
I'm sure that's what you meant to say. Originally Posted by joe bloe

hell, hes up14% in florida, he must have some water shoes

I use Wisconsin because it reveals a crack in a Democratic stronghold...if you can't grasp that concept, then stop reading here.

Wisconsin typically votes Democratic in presidential elections; but the overwhelming Walker win (aka Democratic Union ass whipping) reveals tha voters are fed up with the big government politics that Obama represents.

Google the phrase and here are 4 of hundreds of recent stories saying the same. If you don't think that Romney now leading in a state that hasn't voted Republican since the 1980s isn't a trend,





Actually the last month is one hell of a lot shorter than a previous time period Whirlybrain used last week in order to help establish one of the questionable refereces that Wisconsin was currently "trending Romney." The period he used last week was February thru April. I'm still scratching my head over the significance of that lamebrain reference. One month is a long time in Presidential year politics. 4 to 6 months is damn near an eternity.

I am not sure why Whirlybrain is so stuck on Wisconsin but let's allow his feeble and naive political mind to fantasize. Truth be known, Wisconsin is a smaller blip on the radar screen. Granted, Wisconsin is Ryan's home state and that being the case Romney is in deep shit if he can't at a minimum take his running mates home state. Had Whirly referenced Michigan, Florida, Ohio and/or Pennsylvania, any of those states can and will make a difference. The only way that Wisconsin makes a significant impact would be if Romney captures at least 2 (and probably 3) of the 4 larger states listed above. Originally Posted by bigtex