It's my money so I have a right to ask ...

Fedexpilot's Avatar
So how many guys have you seen today?

I am convinced that this piece of anatomy is incredibly resiliant to abuse/over work/and just being a provider that can knock off 5 guys a day, but. WTF? I wanna be first dammit. Should I expect a provider to tell the truth and loose my donation for the day? Or, lie like a *****, and expect me to believe her?

Aside from asking for the first appt.of the day, or developing some type of "relationship" with her, what do you think really happens?

Where does our moral compass stand on this matter? What about you other hard legs? I am still a jr. hard leg so help me understand your thinking....

Thanks-- Fedexpilot
capitan1962's Avatar
You don't wanna know - Chris Rock
Lots of us like to be the first of the day, but you don't always know if that's the case. I wouldn't ask the question because if you get an honest answer you wont like it, and if you get the answer you want it may not be true. If a girl is giving herself time to shower and freshen up in between appointments its no big deal, but if she's on the phone asking the next guy for 5 more minutes while you're getting dressed she's not going to be fresh, and probably wasn't for you.
As far as a relationship goes with a girl, I've had many. Most of them last about an hour, but the girls were truly in love with me until my hour was up. LOL
My best advice is to not overthink this stuff.
You have the right to ask. She has the right to tell you the truth, refuse to answer, or lie to you. You have the right to not book the appointment if she refuses to answer or if you don't like the answer, but you wouldn't have the right to hassle her about it. You have the right to not see her again if you find out she lied.

You don't have the right to ask about her personal life. So, if she and her multiple SOs ended a marathon gangbang 10 minutes before your appointment (first appointment of the day), she wouldn't be lying if she told you that she hadn't had any appointments before you showed up.
bistraight69's Avatar
Most provider have SOs outside of the hobby so somebody's getting it freestyle....
So true, somebody has to give them the love and companionship they so badly need, I know I try to, but you can only give them so much love in an But some are high volume girls and some are low volume, I have gotten too close to a few over the last 10 years and you really don't want to know what they do outside the hobby when it comes to sex. Some of them truly love the gangbangs and some are just making exta money and are pretty mundane in there personal sex life, Eccie gives some of them an outlet to be "bad" so to speak, while in their real world they are normal. Oh well just my 2 cents worth of experience talking out loud. I think the saying " "be careful for what you ask for" would be a good one in this case
I would just assume that you are NOT the first appointment of the day. Just hope that she showers between appts and lie to yourself that you're the 1st one today. You can try to set the appt early in the morning to increase your chance of being first, but that doesn't always work.... I know of one hardleg who set an early morning b4 sunrise appt with a popular provider in hopes of being 1st, but I had just left her a couple hours earlier.
Remember... this is a fantasy world that we are playing in.
Fedexpilot's Avatar
Thank you all. Great discussion and insights, carry on!
capitan1962's Avatar
I just cant believe that you guys are insinuating some of these fine young girls would lie to us. "Hey Beavis you're pretty smart sometimes."
I would just assume that you are NOT the first appointment of the day. Just hope that she showers between appts and lie to yourself that you're the 1st one today. You can try to set the appt early in the morning to increase your chance of being first, but that doesn't always work.... I know of one hardleg who set an early morning b4 sunrise appt with a popular provider in hopes of being 1st, but I had just left her a couple hours earlier.
Remember... this is a fantasy world that we are playing in. Originally Posted by lance58
Yep. When we are in the room, she is a first-timer who learns very, very quickly or is a "natural."
Ah, the great debate... I agree with Mr. Smith. If you have an appointment which begins on the quarter hour, then she probably is stacking appointments.

I personally have a nice long boil between appointments and have to have a certain amount of "down time," but I schedule for that.

I have had clients request a shower together at the beginning of the appointment which actually starts things on a nicer note for all involved... I know your clean, fresh and ready to go and you know the same about me. Besides its great foreplay... I'm just saying...
jughead1171's Avatar
Ah, the great debate... I agree with Mr. Smith. If you have an appointment which begins on the quarter hour, then she probably is stacking appointments.

I personally have a nice long boil between appointments and have to have a certain amount of "down time," but I schedule for that.

I have had clients request a shower together at the beginning of the appointment which actually starts things on a nicer note for all involved... I know your clean, fresh and ready to go and you know the same about me. Besides its great foreplay... I'm just saying... Originally Posted by Aidan MacKenna
Showering with Aidan sounds like my kind of foreplay
rjdiner's Avatar
I highly recommend it!! :-)
dcarr's Avatar
  • dcarr
  • 01-30-2013, 11:32 AM
I'd like to shower with Aidan if she ever makes to McAllen again.
I have had clients request a shower together at the beginning of the appointment which actually starts things on a nicer note for all involved... I know your clean, fresh and ready to go and you know the same about me. Besides its great foreplay... I'm just saying... Originally Posted by Aidan MacKenna
Wait, what, whoa! Y'all want us clean and fresh!?! Just kidding.


I do remember one way to improve your odds of being first of the day...

Pick her up at the airport. For the smartasses, yes, this means she has to be an out-of-towner flying in. Picking up a local (or someone who drove into town) at the airport will have no effect on your odds of being the first of the day.