Color brings a painting to life

Colorful characters seem to keep the board alive. This is about the only topic I ever agreed with chihuahua Ricky on.

Granted highly opinionated characters are disliked based upon posting style but like it or not the board actually comes to life when they first reemerge (Like now for example). Hell even reborn Twiggy has everyone riled up and logging back on.

When they vanish completely the board becomes a long drawn out flavorless soap commercial without any actual show to watch.

Colorful characters are accused of chasing everyone away. I agree only to the extent that when they turn on one another or team up like bullies the place quickly becomes a chaotic dick swinging tard fest. This does get real old real fast.

When they vanish completely you're left with attention seeking FP and grammatically impaired IB exchanging endless yawn worthy platitudes.

While a few posters like Bianca and V are indeed very interesting and colorful they can't carry the board all alone. If prevalent posters like IB or FP were to vanish for a time would you notice?

Ever noticed how when the majority of colorful characters log off many posters continue commenting (good & bad) about their absence as if subconsciously eagerly awaiting their return.

You may dislike the persona they play (for good reason) but they do keep you logging in to see what's next.

If I have to choose I'll take the color and then just log out when it becomes unbearable.

This isn't about taking sides. It's about the bottom line which is entertainment.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
And who are you?

And who are you?

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly

Just a nobody
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
Just a nobody Originally Posted by Lightesttouch
Then try adding some nobody

Then try adding some nobody

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
I haven't been around long enough to matter. I'm just an unbiased observer.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I haven't been around long enough to matter. I'm just an unbiased observer. Originally Posted by Lightesttouch

I love colorful characters. I'm a big reader and colorful characters make the book so much more entertaining. And like you said, when I have had enough I just log out. The End.
And who are you?

IB Originally Posted by Iron Butterfly
I think he's just another hard-leg:
"I likely won't be posting much however I will be writing reviews."
with 2.33 posts per day and no reviews, so far.
Iron Butterfly's Avatar
I think he's just another hard-leg:
"I likely won't be posting much however I will be writing reviews."
with 2.33 posts per day and no reviews, so far. Originally Posted by saustin

FYI there are a lot of hot (and in some cases UTR) ladies here on eccie who will not see a monger until he has 10 reviews and 6-10 months active on the boards.

Maybe, we should all consider that criteria before responding to some of these new comers and the lessons they feel compelled to teach us.

Only exception might be the reincarnated handles from some of whom we have grown tired of listening, but who just keep resurfacing time and again.

Just saying...
Primary, secondary, or tertiary colors? I suppose we all have our place on the wheel, yes?
I want to be the shade of red that matches my lipstick.

One color that comes to mind when I think of the 'colorful characters of co-ed' is puce:
"Puce is the French word for flea. The color is said to be the color of the bloodstains remaining on linen or bedsheets even after being laundered from a flea's droppings or after a flea has been killed."

I have no idea who Lightesttouch was, I mean is, but, he kind of reminds me of a guy who wore wind in his hair...then disappeared. But, what do I know and why would I care?

Carry on with your colorful fun-lovin' selves

knotty man's Avatar
dibs on chartreuse, i called it!!
i already got a matching feather boa
Who I am or am not is completely unrelated to the subject matter. As long as I am neither a mandle nor a bandle why would anyone give a flying fuck?

The thread expresses an "Opinion" based purely upon observation rather than any sort of intended factual lesson.

As such the opinion is either accurate or inaccurate to each reader. It stands upon it's own merit independent of it's source.

As with any opinion others are invited to either debate or agree if so inclined That is kind of the point to the thread.

Derailing the thread with unrelated BS drama serves no purpose other than to derail the thread of course. This is all Aphrodite has ever had to offer the board. Aside from inciting drama she's always been completely inconsequential. As expected IB is derailing for obvious reasons.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-25-2016, 04:09 AM
An interesting post--thanks for starting it. I agree that "color" does make for interesting reads, but I do not equate colorful with necessarilly abrasive. Different opinions can be held, even loudly and passionately, but hopefully minus hostility. Even there, this is texas and gunfights do happen--even if verbal ones. When it is occasional I expect it can be accepted better than when someone is consistently picking fights.
sue_nami's Avatar
to my eye, bullying is not entertainment. colorful is ok if it is not a colorful asshole. civil discourse is always possible without resorting to name calling, bullying and ridicule.