Jon Solomon releasing more J6 video!!!

bambino's Avatar
The hits are rolling in!!

NEW - Never Before Seen Jan. 6th Footage Shows Speaker Pelosi's Daughter Filming Her Exit

"Nancy Pelosi and her daughter turned the escape route into a Hollywood movie set"

Libtards still won’t believe their own eyes.
... I already saw it, mate... That's why I mentioned Pelosi
and her daughter laughing while the "insurrection" was going on
- in the other thread.

Revolver News surely revealed all o' this MONTHS AGO.
And we told EVERYBODY to go and look - see for themselves.

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
... I already saw it, mate... That's why I mentioned Pelosi
and her daughter laughing while the "insurrection" was going on
- in the other thread.

Revolver News surely revealed all o' this MONTHS AGO.
And we told EVERYBODY to go and look - see for themselves.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
I think Solomon has all the tapes. He might finish what Tucker couldn’t. We all knew Pelosi’s daughter was filming things. Stayed tuned to see the actual videos
berryberry's Avatar
Shows just how much of a joke this was. Zero danger, Pelosi's personal film crew on hand like she knew in advance what was going to happen

berryberry's Avatar
Does Nancy Pelosi always have a film crew tracking her every move in the Capitol?

Or only on J6 when she secretly cuts back Capitol security to allow for the Feds fake insurrection?
berryberry's Avatar
Nothing to see here

Just a text from Pelosi’s staff secretly editing the J6 security plan & telling the House Sgt at Arms to “please act surprised” when the final draft was published

Translation: Pelosi’s staff was directly weakening J6 security & didn’t want anyone to know. Then they made a plan to film her "escape"

bambino's Avatar
The J6 Committee doctored the footage by adding in sound to make it seem scarier than it was. Wow.

If a lawyer did this, the case would be dismissed & would be considered perjury.

When will Schiff, Cheney, Raskin, Kinzinger and the other shills be held accountable?
berryberry's Avatar
It was all a big show put on for those ill informed leftists who hate Trump and believe anything.

Feds in the crowd instigating things
Pelosi weakening security
Pelosi and the DC Mayor declining President Trumps offer of National Guard security
Pelosi having her own film crew there to document it

This list goes on and on
... No worrys to ANY of the ECCIE lads here and in the
Political forum. ... You know, the ones who were
callin' me A LIAR for me take on 6 Jan at the Capitol.

... I don't have any plans to sue for the attacks against me.

... I even told people here WHERE TO LOOK for the TRUTH
on what happened... Sent people to Revolver News to
read about Ray Epps and the whole event.

... We conservatives here were surely CORRECT about this
from the start. ...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They hype this crap to have an election issue, something to make scary commercials out of, because they’ve got absolutely nothing else to run on.
rmg_35's Avatar
... No worrys to ANY of the ECCIE lads here and in the
Political forum. ... You know, the ones who were
callin' me A LIAR for me take on 6 Jan at the Capitol.

... I don't have any plans to sue for the attacks against me.

... I even told people here WHERE TO LOOK for the TRUTH
on what happened... Sent people to Revolver News to
read about Ray Epps and the whole event.

... We conservatives here were surely CORRECT about this
from the start. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Still in total denial. The truth was presented and rejected by the far-right, especially the maga crowd. The courts prove it on a daily basis when the fucking insurrectionist assholes plead guilty or get convicted at trial. So keep living in a fantasy world.
... The Courts there are corrupt themselves, mate.
Which is why Trump will pardon most of them when He's back on.

Biden surely needed to raise the debt ceiling so they
can pay for all the lawsuits coming their way.
Unfair Prosecution and what-not.
Video clips for the "defendants" to use - that they didn't
have access to before.

Thanks to Jon Solomon AND Revolver News - and of course - TUCKER!

#### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
... No worrys to ANY of the ECCIE lads here and in the
Political forum. ... You know, the ones who were
callin' me A LIAR for me take on 6 Jan at the Capitol.

... I don't have any plans to sue for the attacks against me.

... I even told people here WHERE TO LOOK for the TRUTH
on what happened... Sent people to Revolver News to
read about Ray Epps and the whole event.

... We conservatives here were surely CORRECT about this
from the start. ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Yep Salty. The leftists were as usual ill informed and in denial.

Even with this evidence proving them wrong, I bet they remain in denial. They can't handle the truth and can't think on their own, instead only parroting back what the DNC and DNC media tells them to say.

It's like the DNC has taught them just like one teaches a parrot to say "Polly Want A Cracker"
... It all goes back to me theory of TDS. (Trump Derangement Syndrome)

Each and everyday more and more TRUTH comes out, surely showing
just how CORRECT Trump has been with everything. All the Dems corruption.

You can plainly see what happened on 6 Jan... Agents in the crowd
- like Ray Epps - who sent people "IN TO THE CAPITOL"...

The bullshit reaction of Nancy Pelosi and some of the others
as they joked and laughed when told they'd be soon certifying
the election.... Reckon three hours aint much time to Insurrect.

Surely can't wait for Jon Solomon's update on the "pipe-bomber"...
Odd that the FBI/DOJ can seem to find him (or her) aint it?

#### Salty
HDGristle's Avatar
We know where Marge is, Salty