Anyone tried LuxVerify?

Monica13's Avatar
Has anyone tried the new LuxVerify app that The Erotic Review is promoting?
I am a member but know it just started in like December. I haven't had any clients yet that are members. But I love the concept and the app for sure!
Monica13's Avatar
I'm thinking of trying it, it looks pretty good.
I was afraid to try it. How discreet is it? I don't download a lot of apps because they want permission to access things on my phone.
There is no way in hell I will ever tie anything hobby related to a smart phone. Totally unsecure and easily searched by LE for no reason whatsoever. All the screening in the world won't do a bit of good when a cop with a stick up his ass decides he wants to snoop on your phone during a simple traffic stop.
My impression was that the base app is free but they charge for all of the useful (screening) features...can anyone who uses it confirm/deny this?
RedLeg505's Avatar
There is no way in hell I will ever tie anything hobby related to a smart phone. Totally unsecure and easily searched by LE for no reason whatsoever. All the screening in the world won't do a bit of good when a cop with a stick up his ass decides he wants to snoop on your phone during a simple traffic stop. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh

Actually, the police can't just rummage through your phone on a traffic stop. They require a warrant. Easiest way is.. put a pin/lock code on the phone and refuse to divulge it without a warrant. Nothing the cops can do.
The app won't get you in trouble as it is geared also for dating sites like from what I read on research before I downloaded it myself. That is why I like it but haven't used it yet and have not been charged.

Heck it is even reviewed by Forbes magazine for dating sites all you say is you are on and don't want to give your info out to meet a crazy. If the guy has other well known providers vouching for him there you can contact them as well.

Plus being an escort is not illegal people pay for your time

Gemini Starr