Not a REAL Alert but an F.Y.I.

I received phone calls (voicemails) for two days from a woman calling from a blocked number. She stated in her voicemails (X2) that she was calling from a blocked number as they blocked her calls at her work.

She eventually reached me and said she needed 2 or 3 appointments as she had "wrenched" her back. She also stated that her brother had given her my number.

When I asked who her brother was, she paused and gave me a first and last name but immediately told me that "he said you wouldn't know him by that name". Okay...hmmm.

Blocked number, acting oddly, wants 2 or 3 appointments, acting funny about giving me a referral name...was I surprised when she NCNS'd? Of course not!

I didn't even know for sure about posting but this so very seldom EVER happens to me...I just got a very strange vibe about it. I purposely didn't put any names here but if you would like details, feel free to PM me.

Carry on...have a great weekend!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Sounds like a wife to me...hmmmmmmm.
Guest091314's Avatar
HHHHMMMMM.....Sounds creepy and "off"
That's kinda what I thought too...she has contacted one other provider that I KNOW of leaving a similar voicemail to what she left me.

Odd for sure...
fyi when a female calls me I ask are you calling for ROBERT! my husband I knew that MFER is fucking around I knew it. lol Or if someone texts me that I know and says who is this. I respond it's Robert what happen did you loose all your contacts again. lol
That's the strange part...she knew MY name and didn't act flustered in the least little bit. She just wanted to book a massage...I doubt I'll hear from her again since she didn't call back.

It takes all kinds...
Ask her for her phone number to call her back when U have an opening.
This is just to report an update to my original post:

The lady who NCNS'd me actually called me back day before yesterday! I was shocked! She left a voicemail apologizing for not "making good on her appointment" but said that she was in such severe pain that she went to Massage Envy and got two appointments in a row to relieve her pain. least she had the courtesy to call and apologize (a week after the fact). Interesting, huh? I wonder if she ever called the other provider back...