Strange Requests

I talk about some of the the strange requests I have received in my blog. What are some of yours?

Kisses Alex
Rae Monroe's Avatar
I got this not that long ago.

This might sound weird but I just have to ask. I would be willing to have you come live with me in Iowa City. Of course you'd live for free. Free everything. Plus I do the laundry, cook, clean, and everything else that might take up some of your time. In return all I would ask is to be your foot slave. To lay at your feet or under them . To give you foot massages and to lick your feet clean, give you pedicures. Plus buy you lots of shoes. So that I may be allowed to clean them. I would not ask or expect any sex from you at anytime unless it was coming from you. I would be your slave and you would be able to live life like a Princess that you are. Thank you for taking time to read this, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask. I m flexible, because I understand that this must also fit your life style. Hope to hear back from you. You would of course still work as often as you wish.

WOW- sign me up. That's pretty weird ya know.
A roof over your head and free pedicures! What more could a girl ask for?

Yes, I have had strange requests in the past. Guess we all have. Unfortunately, I'm unable to share because they have all been deleted.