"Hooker bars"

So, saw the term in another thread and got me thinking. Anyone know of any "hooker bars" in Syracuse? I know only once, while at the casino, I was propositioned by a woman (actually looked more like a man LOL) after she... he... watched me hit a 30k jackpot on a slot....

Never ran into anyone at a bar... Maybe hanging at the wrong ones?? (Obviously Fantasy Nights or any of the other strip clubs wouldn't be what I was looking for lol)
offshoredrilling's Avatar
seems dead now
Heywood Jablowmenow's Avatar
This could be a great thread. Why is it dead?

I'd like to know if Buffalo has any easy action spots. I occasionally recognize a provider at Buffalo Creek Casino but I've never approached as I don't know if they're "on duty" or just there to have a good time with the girls.
FlyboyNY's Avatar
Depends on what you are looking for. Last summer I did very well at 716. If you are looking for 21 year old hot bodies to take home don't bother unless you are 30 and a hot body yourself. Which I imagine some of you are. But if you are looking for a 40 to 50 year old (and some of them are in great shape) a few drinks and taking the time to get to know them will get you laid. Just the cost of the drinks.
Is "716" a sports bar that I hear about?
Alchemist2u's Avatar
This was a possibility in Syracuse in the 60s-80s. Not so much anymore, IMHO. The dance places are probably the best, but that is more guess than knowledge. Times change and so do the opportunities.