Reality Check: Who Is Behind The Commission on Presidential

SEE3772's Avatar
Ben Swann Reality Check takes a look at the Commission on Presidential Debates and why they are not allowing Gov. Gary Johnson or any other candidates take part in the 2012 Presidential debates.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Fascinating. More fraud perpetrated by the two major parties.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I dont like the two party system either, but I dislike the thought of Obama winning another term even more.

One of these days, the Libertarins will understand that it is better to start at the bottom and remake a party than it is to flail against the windmills. Many of the people that call themselves the TEA party are in reality Libertarians that understand that things are not going to change within a party in one election cycle. They know that to get their candicdats further up the ladder, they must start at the local levels and work up. Ron Paul understands this.