Question @ the Gents

Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
OK I’m not crazy about the title but I was matching another thread title for funzies. ☺

I was reading a review, I couldn’t see all of course but got the impression it was a pretty good session but one thing messed it up and it set me to wondering.

In my experience most gents we meet are either lurkers, not aware of review sites or those 80% who sign up and never post….. especially reviews.

Now with the-every-now-and-then review a lady might be able to tell what went wrong and be able to work on the problem if there is enough in the front comments.

In the customer service world if one client has a problem there will be at least 10 others who feel the same way.

So here is my question for the gents, if you do not post a review, do you tell her so that she can improve?
Do you send an email, or call?

Or do you not ever mention it and just let her business suffer and she hasn’t a clue?

Inquiring minds would appreciate knowing, Thanks.
not ever mention it and just let her business suffer and she hasn’t a clue. Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.
This. Some women don't take contructive criticism well. Next thing you know, you've got all kinds of drama on your hands.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 06-24-2010, 05:19 PM
Some problems are difficult to be diplomatic about - like hygeine issues. When that happens, it is easier to just remember, and never go back.
runswithscissors's Avatar
It is a very thin wire we walk on a very high tightwire......

We play in a very much YMMV world; what is stellar to one individual is mediocre to another; price is great to one, exhorbitant for another.

The nature of a gentlemens review is to give his experience in his own words how the session played out so that others may make an informed opinion as to whether or not they wish to see that particular lady.

Who does take constructive criticism well? Honestly, hardly anyone ,whether you are in hobbyworld or everyday life.

In our little community, Dagney, if a lady were to have several reviews not complimentary or listing a certain problem they had with her, you can be assurred that that information will get back to her by means of a regular customer.

Opening up a can of worms? Quite possibly; most men will be gun shy of being critical after visiting with a lady and then saying " o.k. Here is what you are doing wrong."

There is that fear of being blacklisted by the ladies; the gentleman may have been trying to provide constructive criticism and it was taken wrong by the lady.
ManUp's Avatar
  • ManUp
  • 06-24-2010, 06:07 PM
Not worth the drama. Most of us have a long list of providers to visit. Just cross out the name and move down the list.
sixxbach's Avatar

The nature of a gentlemens review is to give his experience in his own words how the session played out so that others may make an informed opinion as to whether or not they wish to see that particular lady.

In our little community, Dagney, if a lady were to have several reviews not complimentary or listing a certain problem they had with her, you can be assurred that that information will get back to her by means of a regular customer.

There is that fear of being blacklisted by the ladies; the gentleman may have been trying to provide constructive criticism and it was taken wrong by the lady. Originally Posted by runswithscissors
well stated. I think the biggest problem comes from the fact there are some would run and tell their regular about the review. People forget that no one is 100% on their A game all the time. It does not happen in the real world and much less in a chemistry driven P4P world. Negative review threads will die their course just like any other one. Someone tells the lady and she "fires back".. it bothers other hobbyists b/c of another leak and it puts a self alert on the provider itself warning other hobbyists to stay away. nothing is really accomplished except maybe the "brownie" points earned by the hobbyist aka whiteknight.

Will the fact for example sixxbach hated a gal's BBBJ and proclaimed it as his worse ever BBBJ shut a gal's biz down? Hardly. Everyone knows I have tough tastes when it comes to that. Will it hurt biz if a gal baits and switches me or changes services all of a sudden? Maybe. I will report it. Let the audience decide.

In the customer service world if one client has a problem there will be at least 10 others who feel the same way.
Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.

This. Some women don't take contructive criticism well. Next thing you know, you've got all kinds of drama on your hands. Originally Posted by Eccie42
hit the ignore or delete button
CDL1's Avatar
  • CDL1
  • 06-24-2010, 10:42 PM
Dagney DFW,

Great question.

For every post on this thread, I would bet the farm that there are many, many lurkers that feel the same exact way. They may not post or do a review but they are reading and choosing.

What I have found interesting and surprising in this hobby, is that one person's idea of a horrible time would be THE reason another person picks that provider. Just the most amazing thing I have seen. But then again, people are amazing and interesting creatures. Go figure.
Takeshi Miike's Avatar
If it's a really good time, normally I'll post a review if the provider is OK with it. If it's not my cup of tea or there were reasons I won't go back that are really just personal preferences, normally, I won't post a review primarily because everyone has different desires especially when it comes to sex. For instance, I've had great chemistry with a few girls, but mommy marks really bother me for some reason. I know that's really shallow, so I won't post a review about it.

If there's something fundamentally flawed like NCNS, really shitty behavior, or something which would turn pretty much anyone away, I will review, but my criticism won't be harsh so much as informative without the judgment call. For the ladies that I've seen that I haven't reviewed, it was good, but not as engaging as I would hope or there was some other personal preference that turned me away. For the ladies that I've seen multiple times, Sensual Sophia, Sara Belle, Raven, I feel a serious amount of chemistry with you and if you want a review, let me know when I see you again and I'll be happy to tell everyone how awesome I think you are.
Baloney Pony's Avatar
In the customer service world if one client has a problem there will be at least 10 others who feel the same way.
Originally Posted by Dagny D.E.W.

Howdy, Folks!

I'd like to augment this just slightly:

"In the customer service world if one client has a problem there will be at least 12 other potential ones who are informed of it."

Bad news travels faster and further than good. Sorry, folks - it's a fact.

Let's say you went to get your oil changed on your automobile, paid your money, got your oil changed.

Are you going to call any of your closest friends up and say, "Hey! I got my oil changed and they did what I paid them to do!"

Most likely, you won't. They did what they were supposed to at the auto shop; it was uneventful in that everything worked out the way it was supposed to.

Now, let's say you went to get your oil changed on your automobile, paid your money, and...THIS HAPPENED:

As one can see - folks are gonna hear about it.

PMs, emails, Lounge, other venues - word will travel.

If TCB skills are less than stellar or services rendered were not as advertised - at $$$ an hour...people will be pissed, and folks are gonna know.

That all said - everything posted by the previous gents is spot on.

Dagny, your question:

"if you do not post a review, do you tell her so that she can improve? Do you send an email, or call? Or do you not ever mention it and just let her business suffer and she hasn’t a clue?"

My answer is this - In this business and at the average rates involved, TCB before, during and after BCD should never be an issue.

If it is - Don't wait for a personal, private critique, review, email or phone call. Time to get into another line of work, or allow one's rates to offset the issues.
GneissGuy's Avatar
I think this is pretty simple:

She: Do I look fat?

He: Do I look stupid?
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
I guess I was talking about things that are easy to fix, not their face or mommy marks ...

but more like "that perfume is the same as my mom wears" or "you have so much stuff I can't find the bed", "I can't go home with dog hair because my SO is allergic to pets"
or yes I guess I meant something that would fall under the hygiene label.

Some businesses have little comment cards, we D.E.W. not have that ability. And in the real world only 2% of unhappy clients will let the biz know what went wrong (but as Balony Pony said they will tell 20 people).

I forgot about the drama that seem to be higher levels in women. I just was hoping there would be a way that the non-reviewers could let the lady know so improvement could happen.
Great thread Miss DEW....I always feel that a great attitude is the most important asset a girl can have.It's always a trump card for me if a gal is lacking in physical attractiveness or skills BCD. I will often judge a review by who posted I respect this person's opinion based on history and how articulate he is? A negative of a lady is not necessarily bad if it's a subjective comment like ,"I hated her hairstyle".....but things like bad hygiene is a show stopper for me.
Willen's Avatar
This is a great thread, and the question raised represents what is IMHO a flaw in the current system. I don't think it's at all conducive to the kind of constructive feedback/criticism you are asking about. I know I only feel comfortable giving that to somebody I've built up some trust with, and that's probably the person I've liked enough to where there probably aren't that many issues. As to how to 'fix' this, beyond your willingness to ask "Do you have any suggestions on how I could make your experience better?", I have no ideas.
I practice a program of honesty and kindness. When I am fully dressed and headed out the door giving an appropriate level of intimacy in a fair-well, I mention the things that I liked, and if there is one aspect of the service that she could improve, then I will mention it. If there are two or more aspects of service that could be improved, then I usually write a review.
What if someone gets a review that has no truth to it? Why should someone have to improve on something if it is a lie?