His last request....

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Packy O'Flynn, a wealthy Irish man, found out that he was incurably ill and only had weeks to live.... His only love in life was his money and his drink - he had no contact with family and therefore was without an acceptable heir. He pondered what he would do with his business and trademarks of wealth that he spent his entire life cultivating....

WHAM) - he had a great ideas..... so he liquidated his estate - sold his business and all belongings and then arranged for his immediate care and burial. His final task was to gather the three men he trusted, the most important people in his life, for a final conversation and few simple requests.....

In his room at the hospice, he gathered his doctor, his priest and his attorney - He explained to them what was happening and that he had two final requests:

#1) "I want each of you to take from me, here and now, a sealed box - there is $1 million dollars in each box. When I die, just before they seal the coffin, my simple request is that you place the box I am going to give, at the bottom of the casket, right under my feet - then I want all three of you to watch to insure that casket is sealed and buried.

#2) After I am buried, I want you to go to O'Mallys and have a round on me - I have already paid for it.

Soon enough, O'Flynn dies and as requested, the 3 bring their boxes to the mortuary - the doctor, the priest and the lawyer each place their box as instructed. The coffin is shut, sealed and placed into the burial ground

Once the hole was filled, the 3 retire to O'Mallys and their round of drinks.... Together they raise their glasses to O'Flynn.

As they sit there and continue to consume additional rounds, it is clear that they are avoiding something - finally the priest says...

Priest: I can not tell a lie..... I opened the box and took $100k so we could renovate the rectory and chapel ..... I just know O'Flynn and the good Lord would have approved

The Doctor, seeing how the ice was now broken was next to confess - I can not lie either.... I took $500k so that was can make much needed repairs to our clinic for the poor.... I just know O'Flynn and the good Lord would have approved this also

The priest and the doctor turn and look at the lawyer - sensing their stare, the lawyer responds with terrific sense of self righteous indignation, and replies to the other 2:

Lawyer: I can not believe that you would not honor O'Flynn's final request! He left that hanging there for a minute to let them each stew ... I made dam well sure that my personal check for $1million, was in that box!