This proves that liberalism is a mental disorder.

White Mugging Victim Claims He Deserved To Be Attacked Because Of His ‘Privilege’

The concept of ‘white privilege’ has become an increasingly prominent rallying point among young adults in America over the past several years. Touting the notion that whites in America benefit from engrained racism and racial inequality, the idea is even being taught in the nation’s public school system.

For that reason, it is perhaps no surprise that a white student at Georgetown University actually blames himself – specifically his skin tone – for the fact that he and his roommate were recently mugged by violent criminals. Oliver Friedfeld recounted the incident in an editorial for the school newspaper.


White privilege is easily seen. All you have to do is open your eyes... you yourself or you know friends who do, believe in Jesus. In the book about him he flew through the sky, walked on water, raised dead people, etc, but you find it hard to believe that being white gives you some inherent privilege? Gimme a break.
White privilege is easily seen. All you have to do is open your eyes... you yourself or you know friends who do, believe in Jesus. In the book about him he flew through the sky, walked on water, raised dead people, etc, but you find it hard to believe that being white gives you some inherent privilege? Gimme a break. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
Jesus was black. Hell, everyone knows that...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
White privilege is easily seen. All you have to do is open your eyes... you yourself or you know friends who do, believe in Jesus. In the book about him he flew through the sky, walked on water, raised dead people, etc, but you find it hard to believe that being white gives you some inherent privilege? Gimme a break. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I hope you're not serious.
I hope you're not serious. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
As cancer...
lustylad's Avatar
White privilege is easily seen. All you have to do is open your eyes... you yourself or you know friends who do, believe in Jesus. In the book about him he flew through the sky, walked on water, raised dead people, etc, but you find it hard to believe that being white means you deserve to be mugged? Gimme a break. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction

FTFY. Still serious? If so, please elaborate.
rioseco's Avatar
Yeah you are correct. That is insane !
FTFY. Still serious? If so, please elaborate. Originally Posted by lustylad
That's not what I said... I'm not playing that game. If you can't make your point without changing what I said and then thinking you're clever, we're done here.
That's not what I said... I'm not playing that game. If you can't make your point without changing what I said and then thinking you're clever, we're done here. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
come on man... a good mugging makes you Ozombies tough... man up!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
GodDAMN, SLOBBRIN! You are really blasting those Ozombies now!
lustylad's Avatar
That's not what I said... I'm not playing that game. If you can't make your point without changing what I said and then thinking you're clever, we're done here. Originally Posted by UnderConstruction
I'm not trying to be clever. Let me try again. Are there no privileged blacks? Are there no underprivileged whites? Does privilege guarantee success? Then why do so many people succeed without it? What is privilege anyway? Most successful people would say they created their own privileges by refusing to let doors close on them.

But let's assume all whites are privileged and all blacks are not, as you seem to believe. What are the ramifications? Does it follow that we should confiscate wealth from whites and redistribute it to blacks? And if so, isn't mugging just another way of achieving this? Have you really thought the whole thing through? If I misstated what you said or meant, then go ahead and explain it to us.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
What a dumbass. They got him brainwashed. Thank you our communist controlled education system.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Jesus was white? Jesus was a little Jewish guy who was treated like a minority in his own country. The Romans ruled and every Jew had better remember that.

As far as the stupid concept of "white privilege", privilege is privilege and has no color. Football players have privileges, children of alumi have privileges, hot women have privileges, out spoken "community activist" types have privileges (take the mysterious Obama as an example). It just depends on your situation and circumstances.
Some people born into privilege ( i. e. money etc) think it, privilege, is commonplace based on an intrinsic factor as tertiary as skin color

People not born into privilege know it isn't

Liberals with privilege are guileful miscreants, without a true concept of human nature, set on appeasement by the force of government, in order to maintain, without any real personal sacrifice, their individual positions.

I never knew a white man who would give me a thing I didn't earn and it took plenty to get my foot in the door

One's attitude is about the best shot at privilege any poor person has, no matter their color
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 12-01-2014, 08:03 AM
? Most successful people would say they created their own privileges by refusing to let doors close on them.

. Originally Posted by lustylad
Most successful people have had all kind of help. The mere fact that you were born in this country is a certain privilege that others do not have. May I suggest Gladwell's book "Outliners"....

Mr. Gladwell explains that the hockey phenomenon is an example of "accumulative advantage," where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. He notes that sociologist Robert Merton dubbed the phenomenon "the Matthew Effect," after the biblical verse in the Gospel of Matthew: "For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance. But from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath." Success, in the hockey example, depends not only on the natural ability of the athletes but also on the idiosyncracy of the selection process used to identify talent.