Health checkup

From a recent thread, it's important to get health checkup, esp. people actively participating in this hobby, due to contacts with so many different partners.

How often do ladies and guys get tested? When being tested, do you get a battery of tests?

I know in Nevada, the gals at the ranches are tested frequently (every month?) Do you think it's a good way to advertise that one has been tested recently?

I get tested every 6 months. My most recent test result returned all negative today.

Maybe it's a taboo subjects that no one wants to talk about and in time, this thread will just disappear.
Wow. I think it's a very good subject... and definately something to be talked about... I'm sure that the majority of some.. only go to the doctor when there may be a pregnancy scare due to condom breaking. I, myself, was just tested. All negative. I go every three months to have everything tested for.

Wish most would as well. But, I'm since it's not a requirement (which it should be)... many don't.

But thank you for bringing the subject to light. Could save a lot of lives.. .if all would.

Let's talk about it guys and dolls.

Amber Rain
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
It's not a taboo subject.

I get tested regularly but not every month. And I don't have a set schedule. Because I was in the hospital last summer with a pretty serious ailment, I actually was tested a few more times this year than I normally do.

Add to that, my kink conferences that I go to offer free HIV and STD testing. So in the last year, I've been tested about five times.

But generally, I would say two to three times a year or so. I'm trying to be more regular. And with those tests, I usually pay the extra money for those hepatitis tests as well.

I eat sushi and years ago, I traveled to some remote places, and it's a good idea to get that blood work every once in awhile.

With the new HIV swab test, you can get those results back in like twenty minutes. Pretty easy breezy if you just want to know immediately.

You asked specifics. It's dependent upon what the individual and the doctor wants to do at any given time, obviously.

And congrats on your clear bill of health! It always feels good to hear that, doesn't it? (Even when you know that you don't have anything to begin with!)

Hope this helps!
Guest091314's Avatar
makes me think of when you walk into a restuarant and see the health inspection sign....maybe we should frame the results and hang it next to the bed LOL!
flboy65's Avatar
Do y'all go to your regular general doctor or to a clinic or what? I've been tested once by my regular Dr. when I was worried about a specific gal that I'd seen, but it was "uncomfortable" because he's been my Dr. for a long time and is sortof a friend. Would get tested more often if I knew where I could go that would be discrete and I could feel comfortable.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I go to different places. My place of choice used to be Planned Parenthood. But they're getting expensive because of lack of funding. But still, you get a number and it's the easiest way to get tested in town. They do take care of men.

With HIV testing, places will only give your results in person. So it's good to get the quick tests that are just as accurate as a blood test, that takes a few weeks to get back, so you can just get it over with. The other STD tests you can all in for the results.

Other places exist. You can also get online tests ... again, expensive. There are labs that you can walk into and have your blood drawn and then you call in for the test results, again, it's an online thing and I haven't done that.

Getting tested in a discreet fashion is really easy. There have been several topics on how to go about doing this. In the uptown area, there are several little places that do testing. A little research will help you find what works for you.

I would probably go on my own and not through a private doctor. Not for a married man. For me, though, I'm single and so it doesn't matter.
I'm glad this has been brought up in a thread. I think you should feel very comfortable with your private physician. They are trained to be objective and you can have your questions answered in a reliable, factual fashion. As far as having a SO. By law they cannot divulge any private medical information to anyone unless expressly allowing the physician to give that in for to parents, kids or spouse. However, there is and EOB you get in the mail that may leak your testing to your SO. Bolo for that. Secondly, elisabethwhispers is right! There are lots of utr places you can have your testing done. However the price is higher since you have to pay $$ and not your copayment a the doctors office. With regards to the op opinion, yes it is best to be tested for several std's regularly. An inclusive list would be HIV with western blot confirmation, hepatitis b AND c, gonorrhea and chlamydia, herpes types 1 and 2 IgG and IgM, for you women, have your doctor do a thin prep pap smear with automatic reflex of hpv serotypes at least annually. Everyone get your hep b vaccine which is completely preventable disease. We have to hobby as safely as possible and being a responsible adult is part of the total social wellbeing of everyone involved.

Always know that you can tell your doctor anything and it will be confidential unless you are planning to harm yourself or someone else.

If you don't want a paper trail, tell the doctor that you do not want anything mailed to your home and to call you when the results are ready.

Most people do not know which labs to get checked, so it is important to have physician supervision.

I would also suggest getting and "RPR" to screen for syphyllis

Oops, thanks for the back-up KRiggins, I neglected to add RPR. Thanks.
Good Job Alanymous...and KRiggins RPR too, ESPECIALLY if you are in San Antonio!(yikes)
cowboyesfan's Avatar

Always know that you can tell your doctor anything and it will be confidential unless you are planning to harm yourself or someone else.

KR Originally Posted by KRiggins
I am pretty sure that doctors/labs are required by law to report positive STD test results to the State of Texas.

The reporting of communicable diseases is specifically exempted from HIPAA regulations.
Just as with a negative coggins on a horse, test results are only valid at the time of testing. By the time you receive the results you could have several STD's incubating or active.
Nelson-Tebedo Community Clinic
4012 Cedar Springs | Dallas TX 75219 Click for map
Phone 214.528.2336 | Fax 214.528.8436

Affordable and confidential. FYI: You are led to a counseling room for the results even if it is all negative. Being led back to the counseling room freaked me out the first time.

It's not just std check up. It's a good idea to have an over all health check up. Plenty of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, blood pressure and so on are better treated when caught early.
It's not just std check up. It's a good idea to have an over all health check up. Plenty of diseases such as diabetes, cancer, blood pressure and so on are better treated when caught early. Originally Posted by Thatdude

True that! Early detection of most diseases can make a huge difference on its impact in your life.