P4P / Emotional Intimacy –Are they Screwing each other?

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Pay for Play and Emotional Intimacy

Has P4P affected your Emotional Intimacy?

Or even the other way around?

Has Emotional Intimacy affected your P4P?

~Kelly TNT
Kelly, do you need someone to talk to? <:-}
I doubt it

Some of the guys come see us, because they are missing the attachments at home, or I could be wrong. They want somebody to talk to them, be nice to them, not nag them and beat them up. It also shows them that emotional intimacy does exist in the world and not to get stuck thinking it doesn't anymore.

With the p4p, well we won't call their SO's and tell them they got their emotional needs met for about an hour or so. I could be wrong again though.

Good question pretty lady
Kelly TNT's Avatar
No, just Hold me!!

~Kelly TNT
pmdelites's Avatar
Pay for Play and Emotional Intimacy

Has P4P affected your Emotional Intimacy?

Or even the other way around?

Has Emotional Intimacy affected your P4P?

Originally Posted by Kelly TNT

hmmm, after looking up the term "emotional intimacy", i'm not sure which definition or connotation you are refering to.

http://www.selfgrowth.com/articles/E..._Intimacy.html [focuses on a a married couple]
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intimate_relationship [very detailed]

i kind of like the last one the most [emphasis mine].
The relative emotional intimacy between two individuals will depend primarily on trust ... involved in discussing one's own feelings and emotions with another person and in turn discussing the other person's feelings and emotions in order that each of you may better understand and support the other.

i like the "two individuals" part as i believe that any two individuals could engage in
emotional intimacy, not just individuals married to each other. i have a few close friends that i am that way with.

to your questions...

has engaging in the sub-culture affected how i am emotionally intimate w/ my partner?
other than not telling her what the mouse does when the cat's away, no. we have had a pretty good relationship for many moons. in fact, after recent events, i feel that p4p has spurred me to improve other emotional aspects of my relationship w/ her that i've let slide, and NOT because of p4p.

has my emotional intimacy affected my p4p?
i'm not sure. because i have a pretty good relationship, that carries over to having pretty good interactions w/ the women i visit [like knowing how to get around one city helps one get around another city]. ask any of the women i've visited [including you, kelly]. however, i wouldnt say that i have a deep or strong level of emotional intimacy w/ any of them - because i choose not to develop a deep or strong emotional understanding and provide deep
or strong emotional support to their entire lives/being. if i did, i would have to be involved in a primary relationship with any of them, which i will not do without complete agreement w/ my partner. to do so w/out that agreement would, imo, be an extramarital affair.

imo, where the real world and the p4p sub-culture conflict is in how much trust w/ one's partner is lost when one engages and participates in our sub-culture? i was told "you can look for strange, but be safe." now that was years ago, and i'm pretty sure it didnt mean p3p strange. so, there is some breaking of that agreement trust. and i'm not doing this to have an affair. i'm not doing this to find someone who i'd rather spend my life with. i'm doing it to experience some things i dont get and probably wont get at home, plain and simple. oh, and because you women are there :^)

so, kelly, does that answer your questions?
1thatgotaway's Avatar
No, just Hold me!!

~Kelly TNT
Originally Posted by Kelly TNT
I'm on my way!!
Actually it made me aware of my need for emotional intimacy.

There are some real artisans of the craft of escorting that can create the illusion of it very well. And that is what the guys ask for. But for me, it sometimes can be very disappointing when you realize that it is only an illusion created for us.

Some are fully conscious that it is a temporary fix. Many others have no clue that is what they are searching for; and not all hobbyists are seeking that intimacy. For years it was my " methadone" for the real thing.

I am now out searching for the real thing. The real thing requires complete openness and honesty. That I can do. It can be difficult having it freely returned often.

What pisses me off is a date or 3 can cost as much as a session or more and I didn't haven' found many looking to be "Mrs. Right" or even "Mrs. Right Now."

Great question, Kelly.

Do you still remember the fantasy session I want? I think we need to fulfill that one.
Do you still remember the fantasy session I want? I think we need to fulfill that one. Originally Posted by cpi3000

But........but..........you told ME I could dress you up in a skirt and wig, and put you on a street corner to go get me my money.... BITCH!
Randy4Candy's Avatar
What pisses me off is a date or 3 can cost as much as a session or more and I didn't haven' found many looking to be "Mrs. Right" or even "Mrs. Right Now." Originally Posted by cpi3000

Now, as far as your question goes Kelly, it allowed me to continue to keep my emotional distance from my ex because I was getting a form of intimacy. Not real, true intimacy, but close enough to allow me to stay in a relationship that was hsitory for 5 years too long. Now, looking back, it was me who allowed what I was receiveing "on the side" to hinder any sincere effort I might have made to try to right the ship one last time. I have no idea whether or not it would have worked, but the hobby allowed me the "luxury" not to have a sense of urgency to do it. I also realize that the failure in that regard was strictly mine by internailzing it in the way I did - not the providers'.
Being single, the answer is yes. In my civvie life, when I have occasion to date, and the chance to get intimate I find myself "keeping my emotional distance" from a partner. (Not to mention, I won't play the BS games it often takes to convince a lady to get physical.) That comes from having to know boundaries in the hobby, I believe.

The good news is I haven't found anyone worth changing the pattern for, but I often wonder if the hobby precludes that? Thinking it might be time for a break soon...
TheWanderer's Avatar
I think they both perch on each of my shoulders and yell advice in my ears while insulting each other continuously.
Also, when I follow the advice of one of them, the other one then yells insults and derogatory terms at me.
DFK Hunter's Avatar
The hobby suites my needs for intimacy. It's a crutch I use to avoid the commitment that all to often comes with emotional intimacy in the civi world.
Fancyinheels's Avatar
One of the reasons I became a provider was for more physical intimacy (aka I was really horny) and I knew that I could share a lot of emotional intimacy and provide happy interludes for gentlemen who were missing a wee something in their lives. (Big ho's, er, um, hearts know no boundaries.) I believe that you can share an emotional bond with more than one person, and that is is nearly impossible for one individual to satisfy all of another's varying needs.

Ya know, some gentlemen can only sustain emotional intimacy an hour or two at a time. It's just too much work. Ask your wives.
pmdelites's Avatar
One of the reasons I became a provider was for more physical intimacy (aka I was really horny) and I knew that I could share a lot of emotional intimacy and provide happy interludes for gentlemen who were missing a wee something in their lives. (Big ho's, er, um, hearts know no boundaries.) I believe that you can share an emotional bond with more than one person, and that is is nearly impossible for one individual to satisfy all of another's varying needs.

Ya know, some gentlemen can only sustain emotional intimacy an hour or two at a time. It's just too much work. Ask your wives.
Originally Posted by Fancyinheels
fancy, between your green high heels, your green font selection, and your beautifully well written post [esp. the part i bolded], ....
i could really enjoy some emotional intimacy with you!!
seriously, you seem to be the type of woman with whom i would really enjoy spending an hour or two.

btw, i love this part of you sigline...
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  • CDL1
  • 08-16-2010, 03:32 PM

In my busy lifestyle, it is nice to take a break and have fun!

Sun comes up and it is back to work!!!!!!!!!!!