Is Greek the New BBBJCIM?

It seems that finding a Provider that'll keep her lips clamped around your member while you spurt is less difficult than in the past. Perhaps that's due to there being so many young(er) Providers in the area. It also seems that more Providers are offering Greek! Is this the result of competition for a limited supply of $ from Hobbyists? Have the mores of the profession shifted towards a much more full-service orientation that includes Greek?


I'm sorry, everyone....he means Russian. Silly txcwby6, he gets confused easily these days. Greece, Russia, Italy, it's all one in the same to him.

<<still not hoppin' on the Greek bandwagon. Tried. Failed. Moving on. Ya'll have fun with all that.

To answer the question in a serious yet enlightening manner.....

Yeah, it's hard times out there.
daty/o's Avatar
It seems that finding a Provider that'll keep her lips clamped around your member while you spurt is less difficult than in the past. Perhaps that's due to there being so many young(er) Providers in the area. Originally Posted by txcwby6
Are you saying that the younger providers are more willing to cim or that the competition is forcing everyone to be more open minded? Because, IMHO, cute as they are, the younger (<25) providers are not even in the same oral league with their slightly senior counterparts.

And Dannie, hang in there! When you meet someone who knows what he's doing, I think you can be converted.
I'm Italian...that's fun as well!


I'm sorry, everyone....he means Russian. Silly txcwby6, he gets confused easily these days. Greece, Russia, Italy, it's all one in the same to him.

<<still not hoppin' on the Greek bandwagon. Tried. Failed. Moving on. Ya'll have fun with all that.

To answer the question in a serious yet enlightening manner.....

Yeah, it's hard times out there. Originally Posted by Dannie
Gasp! Dannie! I'm really. Anyway, so long as I can slip it in one or more of the 3 available orifices then the proverbial glass is half full! As far as getting easily confused you got that right! These days so long as I end up in my reserved parking slot at the office I'm ahead of the game. Speaking of reserved slots....ummmmmm..Dannie!
Surge's Avatar
  • Surge
  • 08-16-2010, 03:22 PM
...still not hoppin' on the Greek bandwagon. Tried. Failed. Moving on. Ya'll have fun with all that. Originally Posted by Dannie

Me thinks that maybe you need one more shot with someone that may know what to do to get the right reaction from you...

any volunteers...

Hmmmmm....i wonder!

Fiero's Avatar
  • Fiero
  • 08-16-2010, 03:39 PM
I suspect it's part competition and my own theory is that seems like the hobby "norm" tends to follow porn norms over time. CIM and Greek are just more mainstream than they used to be.

I'll be standing on the sidelines with Dannie while the rest of you jump on the Greek bandwagon
I am definitely on the Greek's great
pmdelites's Avatar
It seems that finding a Provider that'll keep her lips clamped around your member while you spurt is less difficult than in the past. Perhaps that's due to there being so many young(er) Providers in the area. It also seems that more Providers are offering Greek! Is this the result of competition for a limited supply of $ from Hobbyists? Have the mores of the profession shifted towards a much more full-service orientation that includes Greek? Originally Posted by txcwby6
to me, a post like this is so generic and only useful for hypothetical discussions.

now, if you had some hard statistics [emphasis deliberately added] about these services among various demographics of the women in our area, then it would be more valuable, at least to me.

that is,
"It seems that finding a Provider that'll keep her lips clamped around your member while you spurt is less difficult..."
"It also seems that more Providers are offering Greek! "
are too generic to be of any use.

if i flipped the numbers, would it be any more "true"??

and to answer your questions - nope, greece was around long before france.
To answer the question: No

Its still lots of providers who does neither of those things. Im sure they are doing okay.
cookie man's Avatar
I would hope that the average hobbyist would reward excellent service at a good price. The thought of open advertising of Greek and CIM may be good for some, but I would bet it is not that big of an incentive for the average hobbyist...just my guess.

If she wants to offer Greek, that's cool. If she advertises CIM for every swinging dick that walks in the door, mmmmmmmmmmmmm not so much of a turn on for me.
Mariah Moore's Avatar
right to Lisa I don't do either
Donnie Brasco's Avatar
Me thinks that maybe you need one more shot with someone that may know what to do to get the right reaction from you...

any volunteers...

Hmmmmm....i wonder!

Originally Posted by Surge
My thoughts exactly. Guess if no one offers, I can TOFTT. PM me for details, Dannie.