When it comes to tattoos, how much is too much? I know a lot of men who think tattoos are sexy as long as they are "non-distracting". What about when they ARE distracting? Granted, tattoos in excess may limit future employment options, but lets remove this factor and focus on just the here and now.

How many guys find women with a lot of ink sexy? Aren't most guys generally looking for a fantasy girl? Would this add to the fantasy? Could it be a potential deal breaker?

These, for example... I think these are sexy. I think the tattoos on these women accentuate their beauty, not take away from it. Just my opinions. I'm anxious to hear what the rest of you think.
too much for me. a cute well placed butterfly is one thing
Sexy as FUCK!
Sexy as FUCK! Originally Posted by MoonHowler
Teehee. I knew I could count on you!!
The images above are of women who are using their skin as a work of art. There is planning and flawless execution.
The foundation and framework for this artwork is the lady herself. Her beauty is enhanced while it lends beauty to the tattoo. They are a continuum,and they would be wasted on anything but a beautiful woman.
The number of tattoos is unimportant. It is the art and the story it tells.
These are far removed from the run of the mill random symbols, dates, poorly executed portraits, and repairs of botched efforts. Not to be forgotten of course the homemade scratchings executed during downtime from the chain gang. This is graffiti.
The images above are of women who are using their skin as a work of art. There is planning and flawless execution.
The foundation and framework for this artwork is the lady herself. Her beauty is enhanced while it lends beauty to the tattoo. They are a continuum,and they would be wasted on anything but a beautiful woman.
The number of tattoos is unimportant. It is the art and the story it tells.
These are far removed from the run of the mill random symbols, dates, poorly executed portraits, and repairs of botched efforts. Not to be forgotten of course the homemade scratchings executed during downtime from the chain gang. This is graffiti. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Well said!
My opinion is these women would be sexy with or without tattoos , I think less is more in most cases however.
Guest012617's Avatar
What do you tell your Grand Kids when your seventy and all wrinkled up?
I'm with bodyman less is more and Britney, you've got it all just the way you are.
MrHappy4u's Avatar
A woman is naturally a work of art to be appreciated in a number of ways. As for the tattoos - Discretely placed and minimal is better. Otherwise, they detract from the natural beauty.
jon5150's Avatar
A beautiful woman is beautiful with or without tattoos, but having several tatt's myself, I tend to lean towards women with tattoos. As long as it is good quality tatt's and not poor work I think a woman with ink no matter how much she has, is incredibly sexy!
trubrit's Avatar
I'm going to be an old fuddy duddy for a minute. There is almost an epidemic with younger people these days that life needs to be lived on the "here and now" basis. Instant gratification and to hell with the future. As Brittany has already pointed out, future employment could be an issue with excessive ink, but forget that, let's look at the here and now.
As already mentioned, the female form is artwork in and of its self. Just my opinion.
TestSpin's Avatar
I'm in the "less is more" crowd. A beautiful work of art doesn't need an ornate frame. IMO, more times than not, going overboard on ink detracts from beauty rather than adding to it. Then again, like many ideas on beauty, ink probably tends to be a cyclical, generational thing, so I would expect some differences in polling results based on age.
Love lots of ink! Lots of ink is sexy as hell if they are good tattoos and not some bullshit they got from some guy in his bedroom! The more tattoos the better for me!
diveguy6's Avatar
I have a couple of tats myself. These are beautiful ladies no question, but as cc said what do you say, or yet how will that look at 70??? In your case Brittany, I would definitely say less is more...
I guess I am sort of in the camp of "Sexy as Hell" but with the caveat that I don't mind tattoos either way. I don't see them as a distraction. Tattoos rarely shape my opinion of a person, barring a few tattoos that represent certain affiliations. I have one tattoo, it is silly to most people, but important to me, I am in the planning process of a back piece and right upper chest piece. So, I guess I am pro tattoos, but also feel that they don't bother me either way.

On that whole "What will you tell your grandkids at 70" line of thinking, I'll tell them what my grandfather told me. He took his shirt off, pointed to each one and told their story, why they were important, and how they got there. From a heart in Seoul, a rifleman in Danang, and the others. His tattoos were old school style, a style I am seeing creep back into favor, and were all cool, even the faded, wrinkly ones.