First day on the forum

Newbie here! Excited to get started and meet some of you fine folks
Hello pdanman.
The best advice I can get you is to pay for premium access as soon as possible. It will make your time here much easier and the learning curve will be cut in half. Also take the time to read all the sticky notes at the top of each forum.

Good luck sir

Fancyinheels's Avatar
What he said. ^ There's a sticky with a local list of newbie-friendly providers in Houston's Requests & ISO forum. Same thread features a practical primer for new gents that may answer a few questions about inquiring with ladies, and it has some helpful links.

Welcome to the wicked wonderland! It's a crazy, entertaining place. As you explore, take everything with a liberal dose of salt, a drink, a wink, and a sense of humor.

Irish luck in lust!
pyramider's Avatar
The OP should go away, far far away ...
Jessica4stacks's Avatar