Seeking ~P's Mandle?

So tonight I was informed that I am supposed to be Seeking ~P's mandle. I have to say I got a really good laugh out of that one. It was both hilarious and pathetic at the same time. She channels a 6"4" fat middle aged white dude quite well. Some dipshits have wayyyy to much free time.
DallasRain's Avatar
I can say that I have met you and you are a very sexy "chubby,but not too much,hubby"!!
You are entirely too kind, chick.
myren1900's Avatar

You CAN'T be Seeking ~Ps mandle.
I thought I was !!!

Maybe we can just compete for the title,
- or it should go to the highest bidder.

I'm sure you would be a lot cuter in her panties than I would.
myren1900's Avatar

I am not sure they would look good with suspenders !!!
DallasRain's Avatar
I'm sure you would be a lot cuter in her panties than I would. Originally Posted by OldGent
OMFG I luv men in panties!!!!!!!!
I once was, uh, wait, no, that was a (wet) dream, but I enjoyed it while it lasted. Gotta love Ms. Seeking...mmmmmmmmmmm
OMFG I luv men in panties!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
I'd like to be in yours about now...
annie@christophers's Avatar
I could so have a riot with this thread . I'm trying to be serious because how is this shit happening everyday. I mean how are you her mandle. OMG the name is even funny. Did someone put this in one the billion crazy threads of the week? Ya gotta on earth does one become ps mandle?? And what on earth do you get for this job? I mean if I had to be that chick's mandle I would demand certain rights. Like to absolutely be able to control any written things which include personal hygiene in any way. I mean she's gross with that shit...ugh. anyway yes I'm sure we should be all up in air about p and her dam mandle man...but you seem nice. Hey can we morph her into you and then we not bare the dam stomping on and off the board. Yes. I bet not a person here would give a rats as about p having a mandle if she had to stay put with it. Lmaof. OK ok...well yall don't seem mad about it so what's the point. I'd like to know who is calling Ya p. I been called so much stuff including stuff from her but I have never been called p. I'm feeling a bit left out. Between this and the skny. Mandle thread right next to this one I figure I could for sure scoop up a mandle. I don't have directions on how to care for one but I'm sure they come with instructions. I'll ask those,girls. And tell them that your on the loose...come fetch . Bahaha. OK all seriousness I'm sorry you men are going through this shit. And at least your laughing. Others may do it differently. Funny stuff. Mandles...this is better then snow apes or marrying bears. I'm so gonna email that girl to mock her out that her 2 Mandles were loose. Can I have one? If she doesn't claim then yall ar fair game!! Xxoo annie
Annie I wasn't attempting to stir the pot further, there is entirely too much infighting and back biting going on now anyway. I just had a really good laugh over it. The person who told me decided to come out and ask me if I was her mandle, then gave me a low down, which really had me rolling. Is she my favorite? That's kind of obvious, but I stay out of escort politics. But I would be your mandle any time, sweetcheeks.
^^^^ please just don't show us your figs.

p.s. Who's in annie's account this morning?
annie@christophers's Avatar
What do you mean? And god dammit figure it out. I'm not gonna even attempt to answer that. I think just me but if anything like say I start sending death notices to anyone bizarre then there is obviously a problem. Ugh. And back to mandle . No dear I think that the whole thing is funny. I mean plus the name. I'm sure it's all terrible but I never know who's who by the time they are back. I can't keep them straight. So that was just funny. Besides fucking with p cracks me up because she gets mad for like a year. So be her mandle . I will not be stealing anyone's mandles. I'm not sure why I would want one ...I mean I don't want to see ros. I had that for years remember in the beginning. If you were a sponsor it like came automatically. Well gross. Seriously I didn't want to read. So when it went away I think Santa picked a fit I was like take then they gave woman's powder . Well that's almost worse. I guess I am jaded. Just fly around and wait till piggy or someone shows. Lol. I do think gs is picking at me isn't that right dear? You have been making quite a presence. Hmmmm...
myren1900's Avatar
P just reviewed herself if OG is her mandle :

She obviously had a terrific time with herself. Would love to see her doing a 69 pretzel.

Hey the voices I'm my head aint no joke, bro. They argue about me all the time.