Jeez; the Obama freak show continues............this is laughable !

The Congressional Black Caucus wants Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas to be the next Secretary of Homeland Security, now that former Sec. Janet Napolitano has resigned to become president of the University of California System.

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2013/07/29/sh...#ixzz2aTHw4M60
LexusLover's Avatar

Looking for the U.S. flag on Mars, which was planted by the astronauts in the 60's! And:

During her congressional career, Lee has voted:
  • against the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001;
  • against the post-9/11 anti-terrorism measure known as the Patriot Act;
  • against allowing the U.S. government to use electronic surveillance to investigate suspected terrorist operatives;
  • against a bill permitting the government to combat potential terrorist threats by monitoring foreign electronic communications which are routed through the United States;
  • against an October 2002 joint resolution authorizing U.S. military action in Iraq;
  • against the establishment of military commissions to try enemy combatants captured in the war on terror;
  • in favor of withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq immediately and by a preordained date;
  • against President Bush’s 2007 decision to deploy some 21,500 additional U.S. soldifers in an effort to quell the violent insurgents in Iraq;
  • in favor of a proposal to expedite the transfer of all prisoners in the Guantanamo Bay detention center;
  • against requiring hospitals to report (to the federal government) illegal aliens who receive emergency medical treatment;
  • against the Real ID Act, which proposed to set minimal security requirements for state driver licenses and identification cards;
  • against separate proposals calling for the construction of some 700 miles of fencing to prevent illegal immigration along America's southern border;
  • against a proposal to grant state and local officials the authority to investigate, identify, and arrest illegal immigrants;
  • against major tax cut proposals in September 1998, February 2000, March 2000, July 2000, May 2001, May 2003, and May 2006;
  • against separate welfare reform bills designed to move people off the welfare rolls and into paying jobs;
  • in favor of prohibiting oil and gas exploration in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR);
  • against a proposal to fund offshore oil exploration along the Outer Continental Shelf;
  • against a school-voucher proposal in Washington, DC; and
  • against ending racial preferences in college admissions (When Texas A&M President Robert Gates announced in 2003 that he was changing his university’s admission preference standard from race to socioeconomic disadvantage, Lee accused Gates of attempting to create an “all-white university.”) http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/i....asp?indid=981
Prior to the 110th Congress, Lee served on the House Science Committee and on the Subcommittee that oversees space policy. During a 2005 visit to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, Lee asked a guide whether the Mars Pathfinder had taken a photograph of the flag planted on Mars by Neil Armstrong in 1969. (Armstrong's 1969 mission, of course, was to the Moon, not Mars.)http://www.discoverthenetworks.org/individualProfile.asp?indid=98 1

The list is endless, but would consume valuable tis and ass space for our viewing and feeling enjoyment. Not hers.
This could work out great. Sheila has the worst record on the planet for retaining staff, regularly cursing and berating anyone for the slightest perceived shortcoming. Sheila could bring some much needed culling to TSA and other bloated agencies.

The CBC freak show might finally produce something of enduring value to the taxpayer. If Sheila won't take the job how about Hank Johnson or Alcee Hastings? We may as well have some comic relief on the road to ruin.

See what the Voting Rights Act has given us with these safe urban (minority) districts, free from any sane competition for statesmanlike leadership! And they call the Tea Party extreme.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-29-2013, 03:39 PM
This could work out great. Sheila has the worst record on the planet for retaining staff, regularly cursing and berating anyone for the slightest perceived shortcoming. Sheila could bring some much needed culling to TSA and other bloated agencies.

The CBC freak show might finally produce something of enduring value to the taxpayer. If Sheila won't take the job how about Hank Johnson or Alcee Hastings? We may as well have some comic relief on the road to ruin.

See what the Voting Rights Act has given us with these safe urban (minority) districts, free from any sane competition for statesmanlike leadership! And they call the Tea Party extreme. Originally Posted by trident60
they call the tea party crazy as hell
You know what is amusing about this is that sensible democrats will laugh and shake their heads at the idea of putting a fruitcake like Ms. Leigh in that position.

The whackjobs on here, were the shoe on the other foot....say, a republican President nominating Louie Gohmert to be the head of DHS....would be greeting that with howls of pleasure, hand-clapping and glee.

Anybody want make odds and take bets on whether Ms. Leigh gets that nomination? She won't get it the same way any crazy nominated by the Teabaggers wouldn't get it.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sheila has the worst record on the planet for retaining staff, regularly cursing and berating anyone for the slightest perceived shortcoming. Sheila could bring some much needed culling to TSA and other bloated agencies. Originally Posted by trident60
Little known incident at Bush Airport: She berated a restaurant supervisor for taking more than 5 minutes to serve her freshly cooked fish platter Jackson ordered, refused to eat it when it was brought in about 10 minutes, refused to pay for the food, and then began contacting manager(s) to get her fired..... standing in the middle of the airport yelling in a tantrum. A scene.

That was consistent with the scene she created when her ID was requested by Capitol security years ago. Insulted that he would ask her for her Capital Bldg ID.

If this appointment is really taking place and happens there can be only one reason:

Obaminable had to find someone dumber than he is and he got as close as he could.
Little known incident at Bush Airport: She berated a restaurant supervisor for taking more than 5 minutes to serve her freshly cooked fish platter Jackson ordered, refused to eat it when it was brought in about 10 minutes, refused to pay for the food, and then began contacting manager(s) to get her fired..... standing in the middle of the airport yelling in a tantrum. A scene.

That was consistent with the scene she created when her ID was requested by Capitol security years ago. Insulted that he would ask her for her Capital Bldg ID.

If this appointment is really taking place and happens there can be only one reason:

Obaminable had to find someone dumber than he is and he got as close as he could. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Got a cite to some source that would support your statement that Obama had anything to do with suggesting her for the position?

Or, are you just running your mouth, as usual?
LexusLover's Avatar
Got a cite to some source that would support your statement that Obama had anything to do with suggesting her for the position?

Or, are you just running your mouth, as usual? Originally Posted by timpage
I have a site for reading comprehension improvement, if you want to augment your GED.

You are about to be tied with Doove in reading skill-less.
LexusLover's Avatar
Sheila Jackson's new drones under DHS guidelines:

Tim-Wit ... no link. Humor here. OK?
I would have thought you guys would be jumping for joy at the thought of finding a replacement in the US Congress for SJL.

You guys are never satisfied, are you?
By "promoting" an idiot to a position where they can do even more damage?
Only govt rewards that way. And maybe the WTF family business.

Sometimes I wonder how you, bigkotex, generates the brainpower to walk upright, much less log on to the internet.
By "promoting" an idiot to a position where they can do even more damage?
Only govt rewards that way. And maybe the WTF family business.

Sometimes I wonder how you, bigkotex, generates the brainpower to walk upright, much less log on to the internet. Originally Posted by gnadfly
The lower the bar the better...Huh?
LexusLover's Avatar
I would have thought you guys would be jumping for joy at the thought of finding a replacement in the US Congress for SJL.

You guys are never satisfied, are you? Originally Posted by bigtex
Obviously she can do little harm in Congress. Unless noise pollution is harmful.

But since I don't have to vote for her, it's helpful.
By "promoting" an idiot to a position where they can do even more damage?
Only govt rewards that way. And maybe the WTF family business.

Sometimes I wonder how you, bigkotex, generates the brainpower to walk upright, much less log on to the internet. Originally Posted by gnadfly