computer issues

VitaMan's Avatar
I have a computer where the keyboard has started not giving 2 numbers and 7 letters. Any ideas for that ? Then I have another with a bad cooling fan. I went to Microcenter to buy one. They told me that part is proprietary and their tech department would need to repair it. Complete baloney.
Are both of them laptops? If so, and they're more than 5 years old, your best bet is eBay.

If the one with the bad fan is a desktop, Fry's should have something that will work.
FrankZappa's Avatar
As far as you're keyboard. Turn it upside down and shake it. You might have some trash in there, Buy a can of compressed air and clean it.

As far as buying a new one, I buy a lot of computers for my office. At home, I use an Apple ,they are the best but overpriced.

I buy Lenovo's for my office and they are good. You can buy them online from Lenovo pretty cheap. If you just want a cheap laptop , go to Sam's , Best Buy or Costco and see what they got on the shelf.
boardman's Avatar
Ditto on cleaning the keyboard. Been there done that. You'd be surprised at the gunk that get's under there.

I just bought my last laptop from Costco. If you have a membership they have a good selection. Picked up a Dell with a 500 gig Solid State Drive for about $800. Holy shit it's fast even when Windows 10 is running that fucked up indexing that slows down everything else I have to a crawl. No, it's not the highest storage capacity but with cheap reliable cloud storage you don't need 2tb drives for general computing.
VM.....go anywhere and buy yourself a USB keyboard and plug it in.
Lol I like how that one guy said apple is the best! He has some funny jokes and if he really thinks that then you know not to trust him cause then he knows nothing about computers
At least he didn't say others don't know anything about computers
VitaMan's Avatar
I got a new cooling fan for $ 12. I have HP laptop. The sticker on the frame and specs say Intel i5 inside. When I got it apart, it is a nuvoton chip.
VitaMan's Avatar
Is Nuvoton chip different from Intel ? I have had this computer since new. The only Intel chip I see is the Wlan chip.
Pics of the motherboard?
VitaMan's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
VitaMan's Avatar
VM....did the laptop come with a gallon jar of Vaseline?