Px, Sp, Sc - same person?

With regard to the health of this co-ed forum, I too am now curious if that could be the case. I have read some others make that accusation. Following the closure of the last SC thread to be immediately followed up with a volcanic explosive thread by PX with guest appearances by SP and sc in support of PX combined with the blended Linguistics and syntax of all three personas leaking from all 3 personas.

I would have not ever linked PX to either of those two previously, just curious as to the assertion that has been put forward. PX is overly defensive of both of those other two personas.

I do think it was silly to believe that SC was a mod in Disguise. That's pretty far from reaching. I really don't think any mod gives two shits enough to bother to work that hard to post anything to any fucktard in this form for the sake of just being a douche.

Certain slang, Referencing self in third person, political polarity.

I'm curious as to what the rest of the animals in this hobby jungle think?

Of course someone in this thread will ask who the fuck am I? I am the fuck me and that can be for another thread.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 12:59 PM
E lets talk facts. On the board, from their own postings, here's what we know about these 3 people:

2 of these ppl are black, 1 is white.

one has an uncle locked away in maybe San Quenton and is currently looking after his uncle's estate, which includes a Range Rover and a big house in the the burbs.

one of us spent several years in the federal Big House.

one of us is a gangsta's gopher.

one of us holds 2 graduate degrees and taught for several years at a major Houston university, and currently runs a small business.

2 of us love strip clubs, one steers clear of strip clubs since he found the hobby.

one of these 3 has written 53
reviews, almost all sexy ebony spinners. the others have a written a few reviews of strip clubs and the like.

one of us has wagered more on a dice table than most people make in a year.

all 3 of us are left of center.

one of us trolled the other two since Hector was a pup.

one of us accused another of selling out.

one of us sometimes writes in ebonics.

one of us doesn't pay for pussy. one of us does overnights. another only does overnights when she falls asleep after an especially intense session or for an overnite All-fantasy Fuckfest..

one of us frequently posts videos on the site. another is tech-tarded and can't even figure out how to post his own pics.

one of the 3 eats the hottest peppers in the world, and has 1k to bet in any hot pepper eating contest anytime anywhere anyhow with anybody who aint already in Guiness Book..

one of us always signs off with (foooking) toodlez...

You want facts: Cendell M and Champagne Brown can unlock any and all mysteries, as between the two of them, they have seen all 3 of us. but maybe you prefer fantasy. fine, take the blue pill. maybe you can't handle the truth..
With regard to the health of this co-ed forum, I too am now curious if that could be the case. I have read some others make that accusation. Following the closure of the last SC thread to be immediately followed up with a volcanic explosive thread by PX with guest appearances by SP and sc in support of PX combined with the blended Linguistics and syntax of all three personas leaking from all 3 personas.

I would have not ever linked PX to either of those two previously, just curious as to the assertion that has been put forward. PX is overly defensive of both of those other two personas.

I do think it was silly to believe that SC was a mod in Disguise. That's pretty far from reaching. I really don't think any mod gives two shits enough to bother to work that hard to post anything to any fucktard in this form for the sake of just being a douche.

Certain slang, Referencing self in third person, political polarity.

I'm curious as to what the rest of the animals in this hobby jungle think?

Of course someone in this thread will ask who the fuck am I? I am the fuck me and that can be for another thread. Originally Posted by Eidolon
You do have a point...they seem to follow each other a lot and kiss each other behinds. I guess that's why they follow each other closely...maybe some secret society.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
E lets talk facts. On the board, from their own postings, here's what we know about these 3 people:

2 of these ppl are black, 1 is white.

one has an uncle locked away in maybe San Quenton and is currently looking after his uncle's estate, which includes a Range Rover and a big house in the the burbs.

one of us spent several years in the federal Big House.

one of us is a gangsta's gopher.

one of us holds 2 graduate degrees and taught for several years at a major Houston university, and currently runs a small business.

2 of us love strip clubs, one steers clear of strip clubs since he found the hobby.

one of these 3 has written 52 reviews, almost all sexy ebony spinners. the others have a written a few reviews of strip clubs and the like.

one of us has wagered more on a dice table than most people make in a year.

all 3 of us are left of center.

one of us trolled the other two since Hector was a pup.

one of us accused another of selling out.

one of us sometimes writes in ebonics.

one of us doesn't pay for pussy. one of us does overnights. another only does overnights when she falls asleep after an especially intense session..

one of us frequently posts videos on the site. another is tech-tarded and can't even figure out how to post his own pics.

one of us always signs off with (foooking) toodlez...

You want facts: Cendell M and Champagne Brown can unlock any and all mysteries, as between the two of them, they have seen all 3 of us. but maybe you prefer fantasy. fine, take the blue pill.. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Absolutely no proof in anything you have said.
This is an anonymous site, where people are who they want to be.
It’s fantasy.
You could be purple, only ladies that see you know otherwise.
boardman's Avatar
I don't know who sploogebob is(other than another newbie with too much knowledge) but he's almost right. Now I'm not a conspiracy theorist and I think the chances of all three of the personas claimed to be the same person to be unlikely although possible but everything listed is nothing more than board personalities. It's not fact outside the board. If it was then more RW info was just outed.

None of that proves that the three aren't the same person. It proves the three have three different board personas and stories. The lame attempt at using that as some kind of proof and then detailing intimate knowledge by one persona of the other two lends credence to the OP.

The final "fact" could be more convincing except I don't know Cendell M so it wouldn't convince me one way or the other. As far as CB goes...well, all three of y'all could actually be figments of her BSC imagination.
Better question is who are you supposed to be?and why aren't you posting under your OG handle?
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 02:13 PM
[QUOTE=boardman;1061340838]I don't know who sploogebob is(other than another newbie with too much knowledge) but he's almost right. Now I'm not a conspiracy theorist and I think the chances of all three of the personas claimed to be the same person to be unlikely although possible but everything listed is nothing more than board personalities. It's not fact outside the board. If it was then more RW info was just outed.

None of that proves that the three aren't the same person. It proves the three have three different board personas and stories. The lame attempt at using that as some kind of proof and then detailing intimate knowledge by one persona of the other two lends credence to the OP.

The final "fact" could be more convincing except I don't know Cendell M so it wouldn't convince me one way or the other. As far as CB goes...well, all three of y'all could actually be figments of her BSC imagination.

Boardman, you've clearly never seen CB if that's your description.

Btw, this "intimate knowledge" was derived just from Board postings. i've never met SC or SP, but i could see having a beer with SP, as he cracks me up.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
@boardman, I have no intimate knowledge of the site other that there is red lettering telling you to protect your identity because it’s an anonymous site when you register.
Anonymity means no one knows.
boardman's Avatar

Boardman, you've clearly never seen CB if that's your description.

Btw, this "intimate knowledge" was derived just from Board postings. i've never met SC or SP, but i could see having a beer with SP, as he cracks me up. Originally Posted by pxmcc

Never seen her, you're right.

If you know all that shit about them I don't care how you know it. It's kind of creepy.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Maybe 5.0? Investigating
Definitely a guy that likes spilling the beans about everyone.
  • pxmcc
  • 03-13-2019, 02:46 PM
Never seen her, you're right.

If you know all that shit about them I don't care how you know it. It's kind of creepy. Originally Posted by boardman
umm sir, i love hearing everyone's story. and furthermore, i love reading everyone's story when they aren't meaning to tell it. Let me give you an example.

"I love how fast my Dodge Viper is." that's probably someone who is full of shit.

" I was hustling around the 45 flyover and I'll be damned if the back end of my Vipe didn't make up its own mind that the retaining wall looked like a perfect target." here's someone who just wrecked his 100k sportscar.

real story? first person is bragging about a car he doesn't have.
2nd person: just destroyed his Dodge Viper going too fast on a flyover.

ya people tell you more than they notice, especially if you listen..
boardman's Avatar
@boardman, I have no intimate knowledge of the site other that there is red lettering telling you to protect your identity because it’s an anonymous site when you register.
Anonymity means no one knows. Originally Posted by Spoogebob Cumpants

If you say so...
It's rare that a new member bypasses the welcome wagon and jumps into the discussions of multiple co-ed threads and particularly Another Realm all within the span of 3 hrs.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Whatever, saw Dallas Rain’s post on main page, thought she is kinda cool.
So I commented on her thread.

Hi I’m Joe Blow and I’m a newbie please say hello to me.
Nah doesn’t seem to serve a purpose.
For a lady maybe!
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I would also like to request this thread be locked. Its harrassment.
Spoogebob Cumpants's Avatar
Don’t worry you probably won’t be here tomorrow after outing and threatening a lady.

Peace in the valley tomorrow.