Stuck at Ft Chaffee

MediumNerd's Avatar
Hey everybody, not even sure if this is a thing or not, but is anybody running any specials for the poor soldiers stuck at Ft Chaffee for the next couple of weeks??? The "leadership" here is sucking my will to live and I know a lot of us could use a morale boost after the training day is done. Just thought I'd ask, you never know who will say "YES"!
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I've never heard of Ft Chaffee. What branch is that?

But I do know all about how evil the leadership can be lol I deal with that BS daily and I'm not even enlisted!

Depending on the branch and location, I might make a trip up there. But you better be a branch I care about
MediumNerd's Avatar
Lol, It's an Army Fort just outside of Ft Smith. We've got about 300 guys/gals from aviation (that's my home) up here supporting the 39th. I've been doing this for 15 years, and it's the biggest cluster fuck I've EVER seen.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I know a guy who is 489th EN BN. Things are a bitch now so I can completely understand your stress lol. Let me see what strings I can pull to get up there an relieve some of that if you'll have me that is
MediumNerd's Avatar
Lol, I was hoping for some free time, but it's not looking like it's going to happen anytime soon (we probably won't know until the day of). Probably not worth making a special trip, but if anybody is up by the NWA area and wants to take care of some troops, I'm sure they would appreciate it.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Yeah you're right. Besides I probably know too many if those guys anyway lol