Val gets jail time

mbinlincoln's Avatar
**No links to Real World names, pics in arrests** MA
Quantum007's Avatar
Wow, that's a little extreme wouldn't you say! Jeesh, I'll have to remember to keep my pants on in Lincoln!!!
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Who? What? Where?
sdawg's Avatar
  • sdawg
  • 12-20-2013, 04:24 PM
Who? What? Where? Originally Posted by LayneLaughlin
Does it count as a link if I point out that this is a front page story on as I type this?

Also...she's beautiful in those pics.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Does it count as a link if I point out that this is a front page story on as I type this?

Also...she's beautiful in those pics. Originally Posted by sdawg
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Originally Posted by Marcus Aurelius
Thank you, Judge. :-)
You know, this is really a classic illustration of what Ms Elena would cite as an example of "Don't go poking the bear".

Okay, Val Midwest, and I'm using her stage name although we all know her real name and history, was so SURPRISED to get the full extent of the law book thrown at her.

The stupid silly bitch was shocked to be lead away in cuffs. After posting bail she goes onto her publicly accessible sites (twitter, facebook, her own site) and whines and moans about being treated like this during the holidays and wah, wah, wah.

Hey, you stupid bitch, do you think your stupid fucking world exist only in a vacuum? Do you not get it that all of the slander and bullshit that you post will get looked at by the authorities?

Go enjoy your goal of being a porn star, and good luck with that, too. Really, it's your choice! But when you continue to taunt and demean public and private people on your sites, when you fuck up like you did you're gonna get the full treatment from the authorities!

I'm not moralizing on here, just applying some logic.
oldmanoftheroad's Avatar
You know, this is really a classic illustration of what Ms Elena would cite as an example of "Don't go poking the bear".

I'm not moralizing on here, just applying some logic. Originally Posted by mutualpleasur2
All good points MP2! (I just didn't copy it all.)

I'll add that I don't think they feel logic really applies in her world, or her handlers for that matter... (I'll not name names) If you follow her at all, you know how they are.

Don't get me wrong, Shes "smoking hot" and all and I don't begrudge her making a buck like anyone...but you gotta know when to leave well enough alone and do your thing without always trying to show up the local authorities... they don't like it and they'll come after you!

Anyway, just adding my 2 real value added...Lol @ me...
If you know of her "boss" you know this is all a way to get hits on her site. M-midwest was lighting in a bottle, she stripped downtown, was arrested and the thing blew up. Unfortunately the single girl sites are a thing of the past and even m-midwest couldn't take it anymore. They had to keep upping the site from stripping, to toy shows, to girl/girl, to full on sex etc. I dont care if she wants to be a porn star, but go to somoeone reputable, the girl from the m-midewest site pretty much signed away all rights to her images to him forever, and if you believe the rumors, he has years worth of "private" footage that he is posting on the site like its new. Also she was his WIFE, cnat imagine what he would do to someone like this "Val"

He has been sued by other members of his "empire" (you know his name google it and see, its all public domain) he won the cases but was deffo being a snake. He has since been chased outta lincoln and moved out west. This girl will make him some money at her expense, then he will toss her out like yesterdays newspaper.
Bigh1955's Avatar
Just my $0.02...IJS upfront.

1) If she ever decides to step over the line and join the hobby-world (as in get verified and reviewed) I would be out the door so fast to see her MY little and big heads would both be spinning!

2) I don't give a crap about the guy out west - seems he knows how to get himself in trouble along with most of the folks he associates with. Maybe Val should spend some quality time in our community.

3) I really don't get what she did or why she did it...I mean c'mon...using a crucifix to masturbate!? That can't feel very good! That said, 30 days for trespassing and 15 more for public nudity - to be served over Christmas...VERY HARSH, especially when I routinely see folks walk after their 2nd, 3rd, and 4th DUI. Even more especially so in light of the fact the authorities didn't have squawt except what was on her websites. Guess she should have used a disclaimer - This page is for entertainment purposes only. Everything here is fantasy, fakes, and lies.
jjchmiel78's Avatar
I agree with you Bigh especially concerning the DUI issue. Those people they keep letting off are putting others lives in danger. All she did was offend some people. Another reason I think the punishment is unfair by comparison is look at the former politician here in Omaha that illegally used campaign funds to gamble and all she got was restitution and probation.

The things our society finds acceptable and offensive I consider so ass backwards.