Need Help

shooter1a's Avatar
I need instruction in using Tineye.
there is a lady on San Francisco Eros Guide "Victoria Love" Suppose to be in Austin this week but I cant find any information. No reviews. Before I TOFTT I want to investigate.

Any one help?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-24-2010, 03:34 AM
This may be of interest to you...

TinEye Installation & Use
shooter1a's Avatar
Thanks Mokoa, interesting tool. I was not able to find the lady in question but it appears to be a useful tool. Wish the tool had a sincetivity control as just a touch of photoshop will make a photo unfindable.

Any suggestion on how to use tineye on Eros where they have disabled right click?
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-26-2010, 11:09 AM
If you can get the complete URL of the image, you can use that on TinEye's site...

TinEye Search
FootLong's Avatar
Shooter, the following works with Firefox. In the column of thumbnail pictures along the left side of Eros, the right-click is not disabled.

1. Select the girl you want with a left click to get her pics in the larger pane.
2. Now on that left column thumbnail pic, right click and select "Copy Image Location".
3. Now bring up a new Tab and paste that into the locator bar at the top.
4. Go back to your girl's main pics, and put the cursor over the one of interest.
5. Notice at the bottom of Firefox, in the 'status bar' is the URL you want.
6. Remember the last portion (the filename, without the path) and go to your Tab you created in step 3.
7. Replace the ending part of the link you pasted into the locator bar in step 3 (ie. replace the file name part) with the filename you remember from step 6.
8. Press Enter/Return.
9. You should now have the pic of interest, and you can right-click on it. Use TinEye if desired.

Have fun!
shooter1a's Avatar
Cool, FL, that is using TinEye.
Thanks also Mokoa, that should have been obvious but I am new to TinEye. I can see that I will be working the program regularly.

Thanks both of you.
Happy New Year all.......