Newt wins in SC

Wow. Wondering how the conservabots feel about this. Do you guys/gals think he's a better candidate for you in the national election against Obama?
  • Laz
  • 01-21-2012, 10:43 PM
I think Mickey Mouse could beat Obama. Newt will do fine.
BigLouie's Avatar
Obama would trounce Newt.
BigLouie's Avatar
BigLouie's Avatar
BigLouie's Avatar
Newt will do fine. Originally Posted by Laz
Really? Gingrich, who spent his time in South Carolina race-baiting, won the religious right vote, the Tea Party vote, and the social conservative vote, in a highly-conservative, highly-religious, racially-divided state that elected as governor — twice in a row — executives who (reportedly) were having extra-marital affairs.

Gingrich himself this week suffered revelations from his second ex-wife, who told ABC News that he had asked her for an “open marriage,” before divorcing her just after she was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a similar event to when he asked his cancer-striken first wife for a divorce. During both marriages, Gingrich, a serial adulterer, was having extra-marital affairs. Gingrich’s current wife, Callista, was his mistress when he asked Marianne Gingrich for a divorce.

In 2010, his second ex-wife, Marianne, told Esquire,

“He could have been president. But when you try and change your history too much, and try and recolor it because you don’t like the way it was or you want it to be different to prove something new … you lose touch with who you really are. You lose your way,” she told Esquire. “He believes that what he says in public and how he lives don’t have to be connected,” she says. “If you believe that, then yeah, you can run for president.”
waverunner234's Avatar
How many ex wives and ex girl friends does he have?
How many ex wives and ex girl friends does he have? Originally Posted by waverunner234
If all of Newt's (the family values candidate) ex wives and ex girlfriends would still vote for him, there might be enough running around to make him a viable candidate. Obviously, there are some who no longer care for him!

Newt's chances of winning the General election are somewhere between slim and none! I do not even believe he has much chance to win the Republican primary. Bubba and the Rednecks love Newt but his schtick does not play well outside of the South!

If Newt were to win the Republican primary, the Indy's either flock to Obama or they stay home. They will not be attracted to Newt at all. Unless of course, if a few of his ex gf's are indy voters and they still happen to like him! Not likely, but possible!
Iaintliein's Avatar
Silly Laz,
Mickey Mouse will vote for Obama, probably in a dozen or more precincts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Originally Posted by BigLouie
This lie was spread at the time, and it is still a bogus lie. Clinton lied under oath, and he was impeached for lying under oath.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Didn’t Obama go to Disney World last week looking for a job to be Mickey Mouse after November?
BigLouie's Avatar
Didn’t Obama go to Disney World last week looking for a job to be Mickey Mouse after November? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Dream on. Every poll has Obama easily beating any of the clowns the Republicans are trotting out there.
I think one thing is for sure: Mitt's "I Have No Control Over Them" Super PAC is going to start producing some very unpleasant ads about Newton Leroy. In the words of T.O.--getcha' popcorn ready.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Dream on. Every poll has Obama easily beating any of the clowns the Republicans are trotting out there. Originally Posted by BigLouie
You are seriously discounting the anti-Obama vote.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
You are seriously discounting the anti-Obama vote.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Since Whirlway didn't have the nads to take me up on my offer- I will go a step up- if Newt is the nominee I am so confident that Obama will wipe the floor with him that if Obama loses to Newt- I will eat horse sh*t and drink cat urine and deactivate my account plus offer to pay for a High Dollar Hottie of your choosing with the HDH being minimum 500 hr- ow if Obama wins all I ask for you to do IB is deactivate your account and never return to this board- is that a deal?