Good and stupid pickup lines

even in the hobby somehow the ice has to be broken so what lines have you used or have heard and did they work...i love the one..If I told you you had a sexy body would you hold it against me? or Him...Are you ok?..Me Yes why?...him...because you are an angel and that fall from heaven must have hurt...LMAO....
Wakeup's Avatar
Best line to get a hooker to go home with you: "Hi, I'm TexasGator".
burkalini's Avatar
Ususally the best pick up line in the hobby is "Here is your donation". It seems to work 100% of the time. It would probably work at least 70% of the time in the civie world.
tonytiger4u's Avatar
Burk, you beat me to the punch...
Iaintliein's Avatar
It's an interesting question. In the hobby, it's usually, "do you mind if I get comfortable?" Outside the hobby I never really did much in the way of hitting on strangers.

I'd be very interested to hear from the ladies what works for them in the civilian world as well.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
I never did have lines for civvie ladies nor escorts. I saw a provider yesterday, I did my usual thing, I walk in start undressing as we talk about whatever. yesterday, I commented on her outfit and how sexy it was, and the convo moved to whether or not she would ever go in public in such a revealing outfit, it was a dress but showed a lot of cleavage. Within 5 minutes I am naked, in my experience it puts the lady at ease knowing I am not LE.

Civilian ladies I just talk to them, no pick up lines just discuss whatever, if in a grocery store, i might comment on an item she has in her basket and give a tip on ow to cook it, if at an event, talk about what is going on. Pick up lines were something I tried when I was 18 yrs old and once I learned how much they do not work, stopped using them, lol. The truth works so much better, but som eo f them are very funny. I like the one I saw on Family Guy

"You must be a meter maid" "Cuz you got FINE written all over you!"
Best line to get a hooker to go home with you: "Hi, I'm TexasGator". Originally Posted by Wakeuр

HAHA!! LOL. Or " TooBigForYou" :P

I had a guy actually say to me. " Well I love Asian women in my civvie life, and I guess I have yellow fever with providers too." OH PUHLEEZE !!!
Words could not overcome these looks. It's why I rely on the business transaction.
I am new in town show me the way to your house.
TexasGator's Avatar
Best line to get a hooker to go home with you: "Hi, I'm TexasGator". Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Lmao. How's that worked for ya?
Just wanted to get 'neath TexasGator.
ICU 812's Avatar
Mention of a multi-hour session helps get theball rolling.

I have read that "TIPS" used to mean, "To Insure Perfict Service" and was presented to hotel staff at the beginning of a visite. In this spirit I sometimes present a 10 to 20% tip in the beginning depending on the initial vibe.
pickupkid's Avatar
Best pickup line them the money