Slow start

These boards are way too slow for my liking!!! Only 2 ladies have posted ads since New Years. Where are all the ladies??
OG-Slippery's Avatar
The server response time is excellent since the upgrade but I agree that we don't seen to have the traffic here that we had on ASPD (at least in the Shreveport/Bossier area).

Of course, we never had alot of traffic compared to DFW or Houston.

But very few folks are viewing our posts here and many of the ladies don't appear to have made the transition here. I'm hoping we will find the rest of the SB community.

GMTA's Avatar
  • GMTA
  • 01-08-2010, 11:42 AM
Well I notice that ladys were still postin on ASPD up untill it went dark . Plus the cold front has keep some at home I would think . One lady post to be here the first part of the week but had no one set any appts so she didn`t even come to shreveport .Other had post here for this weekend she too didn`t get any set appts either she also didn`t make the trip up . There are only 6,736 members here as of this morning , maybe that could be a factor too. I don`t know but I agree with both of you its way to slow as of right now. Maybe next week things will start to pick-up . Ladys where are you posting ? We are here just waiting on you .
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
These boards are way too slow for my liking!!! Only 2 ladies have posted ads since New Years. Where are all the ladies?? Originally Posted by GuestAccount
Unfortunatley you were spoiled by the hard work of people like Muffy. When I first joined aspd six years ago we were lucky to have two girls advertise in a month.

Right now about 85% of the ladies that have frequented our area in the past have either received or applied for verified provider status. It's just taking a bit of time to get them verified. We've had over 2,000 people join in the past week.

My suggestion to all is that if someone you've seen before is not a current member, invite her to join.

Thanks HID, I know it's only a matter of time before this board takes off.

*runs in at the last moment sweating and panting* I'm here! I'm here!! It just takes me a while... I must be getting old.

Actually, the truth is I believe that I've been spoiled by the easy life on ASPD. It's so easy to grab an inner tube and float down the lazy river... However, I have to admit that I am incredibly impressed with everything that EC has to offer. The provider showcase is an absolutely brilliant idea.

I don't know about how other ladies manage their tours but as for myself I will throw out feelers for an area and see if I get any nibbles. If nibbles turn into bites then I put that city on my tour circuit and make a trip out. If I get nibbles but no one is brave enough to pre-book then often I will wait until I have enough definite interest for me to at least be certain I can cover my expenses.

Des, I will be in your area quite soon and I'll be traveling with my sister Autumn Stark. She's quite the knock out and if your chief complaint is boredom... Well, then I think that she or I, or both of us could be a viable cure for your ennui.
Horn^I^Dog's Avatar
Damn I love having Wynter on top of me! Ok, I admit it, I'm distracted....

Breathing deeply.....

Des: I think the board is already picking up. I hope it's to your liking.

If I thought I could tempt you out of your self imposed retirement I would offer to make you the HID meat in the Stark sandwich.
My broken record song.

Fellas, liek was mentioned,

If there are ladies you really want to see, ASK them to come to visit. Make posts that she can read to show how much interest there is in her visit. NAME NAMES and do not forget to include the city you are from so she will know where to set up shop. The more interest they see posted, the more likely the oen you requested AND OTHERS will show an interest in your area.

Contact her with your screening info ahead of time, and if at all possible, SET appointments with her, and for the love of Pete, KEEP them! But finding little or NO interest shown willcause cancellations as well as reducing the chances of a return try or OTHERS attempting a visit. Ladies DO talk and compare success or failure stories.

If you have friends that might be interested, have THEM post too.

BUT word of warning, Trying to haggle ( we will assure you of X appoointments, BUT you must agree to OUR terms - lower prices, lax screening, or non menu services) will blow up in your faces. AS I said, ladies DO talk and if they hear of such practices, you will shoot yourself in the foot, or even HIGHER up!
lemontrees, we must listen to the same radio station then because that is right next to "screen, screen, screen" on my top 40 hit parade. As a fellow provider I can say that everything that you have just said is 100% true. I *love* to tour to different areas but I simply cannot afford to do so unless I am certain that I can at least cover my expenses to an area. Pre-booking not only gets you discounts it helps make certain that I will actually make it to your town. The gentlemen that put my name out there and help me advertise often find that I have some incredibly creative ways to show my gratitude, *aside* from bringing my friends and playmates that is.

Your warning is well founded and yes the ladies gossip as much as the men, I can't tell you how many times I've been told "Oh, if you're touring stay out of such and such city because half the pre-booked appointments will cancel." or even worse "If you go to such and such a city, be sure that you double book because half the men will cancel." I refuse to stoop to such a crass practice as double booking, I will stick to the cities where the gentlemen choose to make and keep their appointments... and I in turn will have the same respect.

One of the main reasons that Shreveport is on my tour circuit is because people like HID have put so much effort into making sure that the girls are safe and well taken care of while we are in town. I've never had a bad client in Shreveport... they're all housebroken and well behaved. In turn we ladies will often show our appreciation by returning regularly and offering thank you discounts to the people who cover our asses.
There you have it folks. Treat the ladies nice and they will WANT to come back. AND did she mention " rewards"?/ If they are treated nicely, they will offer good things and you don't even have to ask!

Wynter, Thanks for posting. You are my newest best friend!

klassykallie's Avatar
Hey now guys, no worries. Kallie is here for you, lol. I'm in Bossier, send me a message if you like what you see. I have no plans to leave anytime soon!