I would have guessed she was a Lakers fan.

pumbay's Avatar
Danielle Reid's Avatar
2wheels2fun's Avatar
Huh? I don't get it. Life is generally too interesting for me to spend time following sports, so you lost me on that one.
pumbay's Avatar
When a sports story becomes big enough that the president comments on it in Malaysia I think it rises to the level of current event. Besides it gives us gems like this:

CPT Savajo's Avatar
Sterlings mistress is a fan of dick and dollar bills. From the way I see it she fucked over her Sugar Daddy by recording him BCD just to leak her conversation to the media. For what? Money, fame... completely ridiculous! She managed to fuck up a good thing. I would kick that whore to the curb if I were Sterling, for betraying him.

Heaven Forbid the Führer having to chime in on this event. He has no place in saying anything regarding such an event, and does not give the story credibility. The guy cannot even do his own job and has made a complete mockery of his constituents and his country. All that does is just show the level of manipulation, pretending that he cares.... awwww. Heil to the Führer.
CPT Savajo's Avatar
Truth be told, NBA playoff ratings are probably taking a beating because everyone is tired of watching a bunch of overpaid Forbidden Subject running up and down the court. So they have to create an event to get people to tune back in, when they've already tuned out. The media are spin doctors who can feed bullshit to the willing. They have turned this entire story into a witch hunt.

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Yeah I quit watching the NBA when Jordan retired. I'm fixing to stop watching golf unless Tiger starts winning again but I hardly doubt that.
politebluefish's Avatar
V. Stiviano, according to Yahoo Sports, claims to be of both Hispanic and African-American descent. How ironic! Sterling, you can't have it both ways. The woman is amazingly hot. Sterling, you sure screwed up a good thing.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
V. Stiviano, according to Yahoo Sports, claims to be of both Hispanic and African-American descent. How ironic! Sterling, you can't have it both ways. The woman is amazingly hot. Sterling, you sure screwed up a good thing. Originally Posted by politebluefish
She screwed up...he's still rich