LovingKayla's Avatar
That's the best ad I've seen in 3 elections.
joe bloe's Avatar
That is a great ad. It reminds me of Reagan's great morning in America ad. It's time to get a decent, patriotic real American back in the White House. It's time for the nightmare of Obama to be over.

Wonderful ad. Even has the amber waves of grain in it.

So after Big Bird is laid off (which I agree he should be), how many of the 100,000 troops we have stationed in Korea, Germany, and Japan is Mitt going to lay off?

Because we can't have things we have to borrow from China to pay for.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
I love "trickle down government"

Welcome back Whirly
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 10-05-2012, 04:31 AM
Wonderful ad. Even has the amber waves of grain in it.

So after Big Bird is laid off (which I agree he should be), how many of the 100,000 troops we have stationed in Korea, Germany, and Japan is Mitt going to lay off?

Because we can't have things we have to borrow from China to pay for. Originally Posted by Submodo
Oh no, haven't you heard, Mitt is going to hire more troops! That is his plan to cut unemployment! No new teachers, no new roads. More money on the military is the plan. We will all be Mitt's soldiers, evidently that does not count and a government expense. I'm so excited, full employment finally.

btw, Welcome back Whirly, jb is no longer the worst political hack in the forum!
BigLouie's Avatar
We can't afford having the stock market going from 8900 to 13500? Explain that to me.
Right On Brother Joe!!!!

Thanks CaptJ.

Oh no, haven't you heard, Mitt is going to hire more troops! That is his plan to cut unemployment! No new teachers, no new roads. More money on the military is the plan. We will all be Mitt's soldiers, evidently that does not count and a government expense. I'm so excited, full employment finally.

btw, Welcome back Whirly, jb is no longer the worst political hack in the forum! Originally Posted by WDF

Oh God, what a whiney little bitch WDF is........if you weren't such a coward and joined the military, you wouldn't denigrate the military now and ignore all the evil that exists in the world for which we need the military to protect us from.....your conservative father or conservative brother must have really done a skull fucking to you to make you so bitter toward conservatism........you are immoral. When you die, you will go to hell.......
I B Hankering's Avatar
We can't afford having the stock market going from 8900 to 13500? Explain that to me. Originally Posted by BigLouie
So, by the same analysis, you're saying U.S. citizens can afford a 100% increase in the cost of gas?

This March 2012 table shows the details:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . 2009. . . . .2012 . . . .Difference
Cost per Gallon. . .$1.85. . . . .$3.87 . . . .$2.02
Cost per Year. . . .$1,385.28. .$2,897.86..+1,512.58
Cost per Month . . $115.44. . .$241.49. . .+126.05
Cost per Week . . .$26.64. . . .$55.73.. . . $29.09
Cost per Day. . . . $3.89. . . . .$8.13. . . ..$4.24
The stock market is up because of Fed action, not because business activity in the US is better. In regard to the DOW, that's composed of 30 large companies who are invested internationally, including China. Needless to say, they shifted a lot of their focus away from the US. OF course Walmart is in the DOW, and they cater to poor comsumers, and God knows Odumbo created millions of poor consumers for them!

Seems to me that the Fed action upping the market is more Odumbo policy helping out those evil rich and evil corporations.....got to pay back those campaign donors! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA!
joe bloe's Avatar
We can't afford having the stock market going from 8900 to 13500? Explain that to me. Originally Posted by BigLouie
Let me illustrate with a visual aid. The Fed has been propping up the stock market by keeping interest rates artificially low. Investors have no place left to put their money. The stock market will collapse as soon as interest rates go up.