Errgghhh...My pictures have been stolen AGAIN

The first time was about a year ago and she (I think) stopped using them.

Now this person is.

Mrs. Rose Goldberg
646 389 1322
646 730 4673

I could probably give about 50 links of backpage ads all over the country that she is using my photos.

I called and emailed her, but what am I to do to stop her?
BBW Katrina's Avatar
Contact BP. I had to do it once before. They require a little proof, but they obliged my request.
OP, there are several things you can do that I did not see in your photo's that the links provided. The first thing I would suggest is to put a watermark diagonally across your photos like some sites do. That watermark should contain your personal site address. Yes, it detracts from the image, and it is not 100% effective, but it sure does keep the thieves at bay. Two, is to digitally imbed security information into the image, that way you can tell sites like BP what the security information is, and it should be no issue in getting it removed.

As for stopping the theft prior to the crime.... good luck with that. Given the biz you’re in, it will be nearly impossible to stop the theft. However, it should be no issue post-act should you do something like I have suggested.

Here is a link to another thread that has some, shall we say, creative ways of exacting retribution for the initial crime:

Good luck!
Who ever took down the pictures on one of the links, but not all of them.

They are watermarked. Apparently he/she flipped the photo then cropped it so you cannot read the watermark (or you can if you use a mirror, but then can read only a portion of it).

Thanks for the link to the other link.

I needed to vent and thanks for letting me!!!!
I know it's aggravating but it's a common practice. There's just too many people lacking integrity and a work ethic these days. A sage provider once said to me, "Don't get pissed -- be flattered instead. These people only steal the best!"
Gigi, I see the watermark after reading your reply. My apologies for not paying closer attention the first time.