Facial Hair-turn on or turn off

Olesweetie's Avatar
I have always wondered what you providers think of hobbyist that support facial hair.

Do you like it, hate it or care less?

P.S. - I own a razor
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-12-2009, 05:29 PM
i love a man with a full beard...........
SASpurfan's Avatar

How about a man with a white goatee and mustache? Just wondering.

Like Colonel Sanders?
i love a man with a full beard........... Originally Posted by fawn

Good! I was worried you might find it a turn off....

T.O.B.'s Avatar
I thinck all providers should have no facial hair.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 05-13-2009, 08:48 PM
Good! I was worried you might find it a turn off....

Originally Posted by cpi3000
ok, that is disgusting.............
I don't care for it. I have very tender skin and I love to kiss. Kissing a man with a beard leaves my lower face a little raw.

I'm much more sensual than visual. I honestly don't care if a man is attractive or not or is overweight or not; I care about how his skin feels, how his lips feel, how his hands caress me.

It's not looks, it's touch I focus on.