Why does Ourhome2 & p411 have one it does not seem like there having any legal problems....whats with the bad attitude seriously.....That’s a sure way to have blue balls....us “ COMPANIONS” are simply trying to make it easier to have us when you can have us.....there’s nothing illegal It’s a mans choice to pay for our time & companionship.....ITS AN AD WHO ARE WE HARMING
besides if you read the topic I asked for providers opinions....lol
You guys really don’t have a clue what it’s like to be a “companion” .....Well let me give a taste I pay almost 100 for a room & have to pray that I get at least one hobbiest so that will pay 200 which means 100 of my gift goes to the room fee... A nice room but I am unable to go onto Eccie & inform other hobbiest I am now available.....You guys can’t magically know I’m available.....so please tell me a solution to all the “companions” that make this money to feed there family????!
No not going to happen, they didn't shut down the site for weeks to reformat the site, just to go back to the same shit that was a legal problem.
Wake up!!!!!!!
Originally Posted by WARHEAD