The % of Americans who believe Abortion should be illegal

Never over 25%. Funny how the smallest minority is often the loudest and most disruptive, eh?
... The concept has been going on for a good while.

As I told one o' me shitty bludger-mates over in the
political forum - Let the states each decide their-own
abortion rules and restrictions.
And the BEST WAY to do this is to put it on the ballot.
Let each state population decide what they want.

... What could be more fair than that?!

#### Salty
... The concept has been going on for a good while.

As I told one o' me shitty bludger-mates over in the
political forum - Let the states each decide their-own
abortion rules and restrictions.
And the BEST WAY to do this is to put it on the ballot.
Let each state population decide what they want.

... What could be more fair than that?!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again

I totally agree. I love it when there are very specific questions on the ballot. True democracy. Electing someone to represent you when they are being paid under the table to vote one way or another isn't democracy in the slightest
berryberry's Avatar
Of course he posted a very misleading poll. Typical of the left.

Here is the rest of the story:

When abortion support drops: The further into the pregnancy, with the AP/NORC poll finding 61% believe abortion should be legal during the first trimester, but only 34% in the second trimester and 19% in the third, and an April Wall Street Journal poll finding more Americans approve of 15-week abortion bans than disapprove

As Salty notes, each state should decide for themselves what is appropriate. So the people of each state have a say in the matter through their elected representatives or a direct state ballot question - not through 9 unelected justices. That is all repealing Roe v Wade does. It gives the authority back to the states to make their own laws on the issue
bambino's Avatar
chizzy's Avatar

Never over 25%. Funny how the smallest minority is often the loudest and most disruptive, eh? Originally Posted by onawbtngr546
Saying COMPLETELY illegal is misleading, u know that