2,000 mules is the nail in the coffin for the “free and fair election” lie.

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2000 Mules Documentary Provides Compelling Evidence That 2020 Election Was Stolen

After the 2020 election, government officials and their allies in the media repeated the mantra that the election was the “most secure in American history,” Dinesh D’Souza pointed out before the premiere of his new documentary film 2000 Mules at Mar-a-Lago, Wednesday night.

But how would they know that? D’Souza wondered. Even if they couldn’t prove the election was rigged, “it still doesn’t follow that it was the most secure election in history,” he said. “The only way you could prove that would be if you were to compare the amount of fraud in 2020 with 2016, with 2012, with 2008, with 2004, and show that there has been less fraud now than in any of those elections.”

D’Souza’s question is a good one.

Did election officials study the security of every election prior to 2020 to make the determination that the 2020 election was “the most secure ever”? Or were they just spinning another false narrative that benefits one side of the aisle?

The movie 2000 Mules handily answers that question.

Using state-of-the-art technology, the film convincingly makes the case that the 2020 presidential election was perhaps the most unsecure election ever, and was stolen from former President Trump.

The election intelligence organization True The Vote gathered geospatial and temporal data—amounting to a total of 10 trillion cell phone pings—between Oct. 1 and Nov. 6 in the battleground states of Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Texas. The researchers looked at data surrounding ballot drop boxes in targeted areas, as well as UPS stores and select government, commercial, and non-governmental organization (NGO) facilities.

This data, coupled with the surveillance video of the drop boxes, provide damning evidence of a coordinated illegal ballot trafficking operation across critical swing states.

“Without free and fair elections, we are not a democracy, we are a criminal cartel masquerading as a democracy,” D’Souza argues in the movie.

2000 Mules features commentary from TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk, conservative radio talk show host Dennis Prager, conservative commentator Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Christian author and talk show host Eric Metaxas, and conservative writer and talk show host Larry Elder. Before seeing the data, most of the them had believed that there was something very off about the election, but were unconvinced that there was enough evidence to prove it. After seeing the data, every one of them was a true believer.

The research was spearheaded by True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht, and former welfare reform and health and human services executive Gregg Phillips.

According to Engelbrecht, the fraud begins with dirty voter rolls— inflated voter lists packed with invalid registrations.

“The way that the ballots were collected becomes this multi-tentacled hydra. There’s all manner of ways that those ballots came in but the important take away is that dirty voter rolls allow for a big portion of this grift,” she explained in an interview last month.

Each trafficker—or mule—went to an average of 23 ballot drop boxes,” according to the researchers. The mules collected ballots from stash houses in the targeted areas and deposited them in drop boxes—often in the wee hours of the morning, from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m.

Over the course of several weeks, the vote traffickers made multiple trips to drop boxes using gloves to conceal their fingerprints, and taking photos to secure payment. D’Souza notes that the traffickers started wearing gloves a few days after a ballot harvesting case in Arizona secured indictments based on fingerprint evidence.

In the movie, True the Vote reveals that it also analyzed cell phone pings from some of the 2020 riots, and found that many of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa radicals who were involved in the riots went on to become ballot traffickers.

True the Vote estimates that 20 thousand votes were illegally trafficked in Arizona, 14 thousand in Wisconsin, 275 thousand in Pennsylvania, 125 thousand in Michigan, and 30 thousand in Georgia, totaling 380 thousand votes, which is more than enough to sway the election. Minus these illegal ballots, Trump’s Electoral College votes would have been 279 to Biden’s 259, D’Souza says.

The organization notes that these numbers are based on the definition of a mule as “at least 10 visits to drop boxes.”

” If the bar is lowered to count those making at least 5 visits, the estimated affected votes increases by more than double,” the group says.

D’Souza argues that their data is “systematic, comprehensive, and well-presented enough” to convince any “reasonable person.”

“The Democratic Party has subverted the Democratic process itself,” D’Souza said Wednesday night.

In remarks before the screening of 2000 Mules in a Mar-a-Lago ballroom, former President Trump stressed that the stolen election had dire ramifications for the nation.

“We see terrible things happening,” Trump said, citing the unsecure border, inflation, and the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan as a few of the lamentable debacles the nation has seen since Biden took office. The former president argued that Putin decided to invade Ukraine after seeing “the incompetence and stupidity” of the Biden administration’s handling of Afghanistan.

Trump said none of the disasters would have happened had the election not been rigged.
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Here’s the complete movie. Hour and a half long.

bambino's Avatar
Has to be fake or we would have heard all this on the mainstream media, right?
Mainstream media is very trustworthy!
And anyone who believes otherwise is a conspiracy theorist and dangerous. Don’t spread dangerous misinformation guys!
berryberry's Avatar
And anyone who believes otherwise is a conspiracy theorist and dangerous. Don’t spread dangerous misinformation guys! Originally Posted by Loretta77
Yeah - Senile Biden's Ministry of Truth will be after us if we do so
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Mule count by location

Atlanta — 242 (avg: 24 drop boxes & 8 organizations visited during 2-week period)

Phoenix — 200+

Milwaukee — 100

Michigan — 500+ (some visited more than 100 drop boxes in Detroit)

Philadelphia — 1100+ (highest rate: 50 drop boxes each)

True the Vote’s criteria:

•mules had to have visited at least 10+ drop boxes
•mules had to have 5 or more visits to one more of the organizations (nonprofits serving as ballot “stash houses”)
•data covered Oct. 1 - election and up until Jan. 6 in GA
•outliers, essentially

This is *only* for the 2000 mules, who averaged 38 drop box visits (5 ballots per visit) for a total of 380,000 illegal votes.

The illegal votes would’ve been enough to swing the election.

It gets far worse when the criteria is lowered to mules who visited 5 or more drop boxes.

When the criterion is lowered to mules visiting drop boxes 5 or more times (versus 10+), True the Vote saw an upsurge from 2,000 to 54,000 mules.

Using a conservative estimate of 3 illegal votes per drop and 5 drop box visits it equates to 810,000 illegal votes.