New Contact Info!!!

Soooo.. i apparently sent myself a spam email this am (LOL) Im not sure if anybody that has emailed me in the past has received anything but I didnt realize it until I got one from myself. So I apologize if "Ive" been spamming you

I'm in the process of switching everything over to my new email listed on my sig and will be CLOSING my ymail account once I get everything done so should be soon.
So please update my contact info with the address

As some of you know I have a new UTR number that I dont post with but Ive been kind of slacking on getting it out to everybody I know LOL! I know its sometimes IMPOSSIBLE to get a hold of me on my 702 ( something about vegas number, desert towers, ufos and such ) So if you would like my UTR and I haven't already giving it to you, please email me.

Have a safe and happy new year everybody!!
Osolomio's Avatar
LOL Osolomio you are too awesome. Your are official my go to graphics guy whenever i need a visual Happy New Year Sweetness!!
Things would be so much better without all those damn UFOs!
Things would be so much better without all those damn UFOs! Originally Posted by Galvbay14
Im telling you those sneaky bastards like to toy with us just for shits and giggles. <---- hahaha never noticed that guy before how perfect is that LOL
"They're just a bunch of little green perverts if you ask me". Larry the Cable Guy
LMAO wowzer that was too funny... anally inclined perverts... if thats not right up my alley i dont know what it is hehehe
Ok, fine. I'll make an appointment and paint myself green. Happy?
Osolomio's Avatar
Ok, fine. I'll make an appointment and paint myself green. Happy? Originally Posted by Galvbay14

ohhhh u spoil me i swear ..... just jr will do we can have some role playing thats OUT OF THIS WORLD lol