Miss Sophie Bella...... Black Widow?.... Man Eater?..... Cock Tease?... or CockBlocker?.....

Whispers's Avatar
I kniow I haven't seen my good buddy Ztonk since the party and he actually told me he would be back....... But when Miss Sophie left with Unagi, even the spinners I put on Z's lap couldn't wipe away that sad puppy dawg look he had...

Were is Ztonk? What did she do with him?

Then I saw the Engagement Thread to Carl.... I like Carl.... I liked more though the idea of getting Ztonk back to cruising the clubs with me but....

Still No Ztonk.....

Now Carl has been discarded......

Sophie is off to flirting with Natalie.....

A dozen guys talk about her non stop when we should be ogling dancers...

Can I talk to any of the ladies I invite to MY DAMN PARTY? Nope... Sophie has them all around her..... playing with her.. dancing for her....

Then to add insult to injury a dancer at P10 asked me about her....

Actually wanted to know if I was at that party THAT GIRL threw over at P10 a coupleof weeks ago....
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-18-2010, 03:03 PM
The One Who Must Not Be Named is the incarnated avatar of Shiva, the Destroyer of Worlds.
The One Who Must Not Be Named is the incarnated avatar of Shiva, the Destroyer of Worlds. Originally Posted by Carl
LMFAO... An ex-boss of mine calls me "Shiva, the God of Death" from the movie Michael Clayton. It's nice to see I'm not the only destroyer of worlds in the joint.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-18-2010, 04:22 PM
Birds of a feather, toots. Birds of a feather.
unagi's Avatar
  • unagi
  • 12-20-2010, 11:54 AM
To be clear, I was driving Sophie home. I wasn't taking her away against ztonk's wishes. Z's always busy with registration, etc., so I have become the Sophie chauffeur.

However, I'm sure lots of people were sad at Sophie's exit. The girl has an extreme amount of charisma and attractiveness. She could sell snow to Eskimos. Is that PC? Should it be Inuits?
Mister Tudball's Avatar
She could sell snow to Eskimos. Is that PC? Should it be Inuits? Originally Posted by unagi
I believe the correct term these days is Frozen Indigeonous Peop-cicles.
Birds of a feather, toots. Birds of a feather. Originally Posted by Carl
What are you trying to say?

Your insinuation that Sophie and I are both heartless seductresses is mean and hurts my feelings.

I suppose I'll just have to cry on Sophie's sweet, delicate shoulder.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-20-2010, 02:44 PM
Just remember. Tears and snot make decent lube. And it's latex safe.
Miss Sophie Bella's Avatar
Whispers! This is just mean. You ought to be ashamed of yourself.

I kniow I haven't seen my good buddy Ztonk since the party and he actually told me he would be back....... But when Miss Sophie left with Unagi, even the spinners I put on Z's lap couldn't wipe away that sad puppy dawg look he had...

Unagi is a very dear, platonic friend who was also my designated driver that day. I was simply trying to be a responsible person. He was kind enough to drop me safely at home.

Were is Ztonk? What did she do with him?

Z is fine! That dancer he was spending time with? Let's just say that he had seemed to like her, so I slipped her enough cash for a few dances and sent the two of them off together. I'm practically an angel.

Then I saw the Engagement Thread to Carl.... I like Carl.... I liked more though the idea of getting Ztonk back to cruising the clubs with me but....

Still No Ztonk.....

Now Carl has been discarded......

If Carl doesn't learn to handle rejection and get back on his feet again he'll never amount to anything. I'm still not giving the ring back.

Sophie is off to flirting with Natalie.....

Flirting with Natalie is like death and taxes.

A dozen guys talk about her non stop when we should be ogling dancers...

Can I talk to any of the ladies I invite to MY DAMN PARTY? Nope... Sophie has them all around her..... playing with her.. dancing for her....

Maybe I just have deeper pockets than you, dear Whispers.

Then to add insult to injury a dancer at P10 asked me about her....

Actually wanted to know if I was at that party THAT GIRL threw over at P10 a coupleof weeks ago....

The rest of the accusations were baseless, but this one just might be true. But it isn't my fault. I arrived and left with the same date, drank in moderation, kept every bit of my clothing on, had some lovely conversations about science, art and current events, introduced newcomers to some of my favorite people and went home early. I thought I was a shining example of good behavior and what thanks do I get for it? My feelings are really quite hurt. Originally Posted by Whispers
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 12-21-2010, 07:47 PM
Rejection? Pshaw! Balderdash! There is a difference between rejection and the betrayal meted out by a sociopathic emotional vampiress with Machiavellian tendencies.

You can keep the ring. Thanks to Overstock.com it's real appraised value is somewhere between a 5 year old Dell Latitude and a factory refurbished George Foreman Grill. Good luck trying to hock it to pay for your lap dances, Jezebel!

If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to the Greyhound terminal. So many men, so little time! They like me! They really, really like me!
I thought I was a shining example of good behavior Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella
yes you were...and its a damn shame
Whispers's Avatar
Whispers! This is just mean. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. Originally Posted by Miss Sophie Bella

Did you or did you not request a new controversial thread be started about you?

Me mean?

Nope... I'm just a big ole teddy bear..... Ask... welll... you can ask miss..... well......

never mind... ya just need to trust me on that!