Aubrey aka CurvyGirlATX: NSNC

Eraserman's Avatar
Not a review, since no activities took place, but we did have an incall appointment for the morning of 12/15, set the day before. We'd visited once before, so we knew each other.

Conversation setting up the appointment was very pleasant as she's a pleasant girl. I stressed that she should feel free to call at any time to let me know if something came up as her regular job schedule can change, and reminded her to leave a message if I can't pick up.

I called about an hour and a half before the appointment and left vmail confirming my end is still good. Called again when I was at her place at the gate. Still got vmail. Knocked on door, no answer. Knocked again, no answer. Got back in car and left a vmail asking her to get back to me and explain the busted appointment and also expressed my hope that nothing had happened to her.

Later the same day I sent a P411 PM (where she screened me) and an email asking for an explanation and stated I hoped nothing had happened to her.
As of tonight no phone call, email response, and the P411 PM hadn't been read.

I did a search before posting this to see if anything turned up on her on the board that might indicate something had happened and I find she posted a new ad on the Weekend Lineup. So apparently no problems with her.

As I said, she's very pleasant, we had an enjoyable first session, which we had to reschedule because her work schedule had changed (she made a point of notifying me asap), the scheduling for the second session went smoothly, so I'm really wondering what's going on there.

For those who are saying "that was dumb to not get a confirmation call first", yes it was. About every 12-18 months I have to relearn that after having appointments happen as scheduled for all that time. On the plus side her incall was close and convenient, so no serious time was wasted.

Still, this needs to be put out there for others to know about.

sixxbach's Avatar
moved to proper forum...

Eraserman's Avatar
Thanks, Bro. Wasn't completely sure where the right spot was for this.
ezman's Avatar
  • ezman
  • 12-20-2010, 08:55 AM
You aren't the first one she has done this to.
Eraserman's Avatar
You aren't the first one she has done this to. Originally Posted by ezman
Thanks ezman for your input. I had a feeling at least one other guy would confirm this wasn't an isolated incident. I didn't see anything about NSNC when I did a search, so I assume this info is available in the locker room if I had access to see it. That should be enough motivation for me to finally get access.

At any rate now it's open knowledge.