What have retiring Providers learned?

We all see a recent influx of retiring veteran providers who have provided many years of quality companionship in the hobby.

I wonder what primary lessons good and bad you have drawn from this profession as a whole as you part.
This is directed Mostly to those "Who Plan" on retiring permanently and do not have to be future business conscious rather than those only on sabbatical.

What very clear and strong insight or advice would you give to one of these young chickidees who have recently hatched into the hobby?

Any long timers not yet retiring but considering the possibility are welcome to chime in as well.

Also a few specific questions such as:
Do you feel providing was a rewarding or not so rewarding experience overall? Would you recommend the biz to someone you personally know? Would you do it all over again? If so, what would you do differently if anything?
VictoriaLyn's Avatar
I have been around many years but I am not retiring but I would like to add some advice..Thou after recent events I almost ran and hide forever...

No matter how long you have known a client,no matter how much you get on a friendly level with a client.No matter how comfy you have been in the past ALWAYS stay on guard like it was the first time even if its the 100th.People can change on the drop on a hat and you never truley know what evil luirks behind a friendly exterior.

Always Always follow your gut if it feels wrong,,it is...

Save a small portion of every appointment even if its only $5-$10 it will add up...
Dagny D.E.W.'s Avatar
My lease is up end of Jan 2011. I would love to stop right there, however, I D.E.W. not want to look for a job then and try to go on vacation (that is planned) in June.

What to do , what to D.E.W?

I might try going month-to -month but that will make the incall more expensive.

I love this... Job? It really doesn't seem like a "job". Do not want to D.E.W. anything else but the temperment of the posters on the board are pushing me to stop. Thank goodness for the lurkers! And even more Backpage by 2/3rds !!!

What have I learned? Mostly the guys want a good session, provide that and you are doing good. Be on time, say what you will do & D.E.W. what you say!

Treat everyone with respect and you will get more respect back to you.

No kids at your place and no other guys waiting there either LOL

I can't think of other stuff right now, I'm sure there is more.
tron's Avatar
  • tron
  • 12-20-2010, 08:32 PM
I am always tempted to tell the 18 to 20-somethig providers that if they will sink some cash into a S&P 500 Index fund, in 5 years, they could have a ton of cash, but I never do. Just 1 appt/week into an index fund could be huge - if they only knew....
I am always tempted to tell the 18 to 20-somethig providers that if they will sink some cash into a S&P 500 Index fund, in 5 years, they could have a ton of cash, but I never do. Just 1 appt/week into an index fund could be huge - if they only knew.... Originally Posted by tron
This thread is for experienced provider advice only although a little good financial planning advice never hurt anyone. lol
I retired 4 years ago, for personal reason. Wasnt a choice I wanted to make, but I had to. I will be retiring again, mostly due to my personal life being where it is better that I have a "typical" work life and paycheck.

I have almost always loved being a provider. just as any career there are things you love and things you could really live without. Obviously my coming back right now shows that it is something I enjoy. When I got laid off in October I decided to take a break from the real world and enjoy some freedom from the "9-5" but there are things I miss about that world as well (such as knowing how much I would make)

Would I recommend this to other ladies? Well I have before and I would to someone I know could mentally handle it. To be a good provider you have to be a special type of person and very few are truly that type of person. Many women come into this thinking its easy money and they dont have to really do anything. The good sone know that is far from the truth.

Providers coming in to this business need to understand that there are all types of guys out there and you will meet or be contacted by most of them.

You need to have "thick skin" and not be easily offended of "shocked"

Dont take your regualars for granted. Make them feel as though every time with you is just as, if not more, special than the first time.

Dont let anyone take advantage you. if you are not comfortable with something than dont do it and be honest. Not all money is good money.

SAVE!! You will have good days and bad and if you learn to save money than you will not be stressing when you are having a slow time, and trust me you WILL have slow time, everyone does.

Im sure there is more, but I need a drink so I am going to stop there for now! lol