
Fingerling's Avatar
So it's coming down to the end of the year (another year disappear so fast). I figure, what the hell, I'll treat myself out right. I looked through all the reviews (pretty interesting stuff btw) and found someone I really like. I sent her a private msg and she replied with "can you send a provider reference". I wrote back saying I'm not a regular and don't have any references, and it ends there. I follow up with a please, no response. So how does that work anyway? I have to find a girl who's willing to see me just to get a reference, even though I may not be interested in seeing this person. Then I can book an appointment. wtf
Yep. Pretty much how it works. Too dangerous out there for high demand girls these days to make assumptions that everyone is a good guy. Can you blame em?
Fingerling's Avatar
I dunno. How dangerous is it? BP girls never gave me any problem. Rates are cheaper too, of course most of them are fakes, so I just walk away.
sixxbach's Avatar
Its called paying your dues. I came on to the scene here on the board and ASPD with the street scene back in 2005. I had no idea about the private areas, since all I had was maybe an hour of access time if that when I lived with my wife. I had to see newbie friendly gals. Once, I moved out of the main home, I increased my posts, contributions and bam... the more women I can see.

There are some solid newbie friendly gals out there who have great rates and look good, and have been around the scene. Gals like that are great provider references. You can also join P411 with provider vouches (2 I believe) without giving personal information.

Jump in there and you can have alot of fun...

How dangerous is it? Kidding right? Not including LE stings have you not been reading the news lately? It only takes one violent nutcase and it seems there are more of them then ever. Personal safety takes precedence over profit.
Fingerling's Avatar
Sorry I'm not so adept to this hobby. Perhaps you should share more of your reviews than just 2 since you seem to know it all.
78704's Avatar
  • 78704
  • 12-23-2010, 01:12 PM
Added Fingerling to ignore list, poof.
Sorry I'm not so adept to this hobby. Perhaps you should share more of your reviews than just 2 since you seem to know it all. Originally Posted by Fingerling
You posted a public question seeking input. I gave a direct, honest and clear answer. You responded with a not so bright "How dangerous is it?" Against my better judgement I answered your second question with the obvious and this is your response. I should have just left you hanging.
Added Fingerling to ignore list, poof. Originally Posted by 78704
There are plenty of "newbie friendly" girls... go find one you like and treat her well.

Remember that these girls have the right to refuse seeing you and if you treat one poorly word will quickly spread to all of the others.

If you don't know what "treat her well" means then please just go back to getting faked out by cheap BP girls.
Fingerling's Avatar
seriously, are you guys really that sensitive. Just testing the water people. relax.
nuglet's Avatar
Dude!! You are the one wanting in the room. Quit bitching that you got some straight answers. You're actually getting of easy considering how stupid your response was. Live, learn, then come play with the grownups.
Fingerling's Avatar
alright, alright... point taken. I see the post of the recent murder. My bad Cody

Man Convicted of Murdering Craigslist Escort
There are a few newbie friendly ladies such as; Myself, Vikki Lyn, Brittany Love, Busty Betzi, Aliesha 1972 (if i spelled it correct) Crystal Kitty. Maybe a few more I am forgetting.
Also, keep this in mind - a lot of the newbie-friendly ladies have fantastic oral skills, so even if you don't want the full meal deal with some of them, you can just go in and get your knob polished, and that counts as a reference.

Once you have two references under your belt, would strongly recommend you to get a P411 account, as this will greatly speed up the screening process for the ladies who accept P411 references (many of them do). You can get a P411 account without having any references, but you'll be forced to give up some personal info when doing so.

And remember an important rule when contacting ladies... BE NICE!! I'm not saying that you're not, but many guys 'round these parts feel that just because they're paying the ladies, that gives them carte blanche to be an asshole. Remember, this is a business transaction when you get down to it, so be courteous and polite, as providers can (and often do) communicate through back channels, so if you do something to get on one lady's shitlist, you can end up on many more.

Just a few newbie tips