I've NOTICE the Rates are really high on some of these Newbee Providers the standard rate for MOST Classy Escorts is $$$/hr. and the Cheapest is usually no less then 60 for a quicky. If you are a Provider and want positive reviews to get you a boost in the industry you should have a $$/hr Review Special (or) a 1/2 hr rate of $ then once you have established yourself and find your keeping busy then raise your rates to match the national average of 150/hhr and $$$ for a full hr.
You can really Price yourself out of the game in most cases Top of the Line, Models, Playmates and PornStars are the only one's above $$$ an hr. If you require a 2 hr Min. the rate should be $$$$$ for 2 hrs. Again many of us know they even have 69 Dollar Specials in Las Vegas where it's legal. I just want to POST this as a guideline for those of you who are just now joining.
There is a very active Adult Industry in Houston where the rates are even as low as 40 bucks but that is mostly on the BackPage Ad's So I just want to put this information out there if any providers or anyone else wishes to ADD to this please comment on this Thread but if Moderators want to steer new providers to these Rate Guidelines feel welcome to do so!