2010 word of the year

pmdelites's Avatar
if you read my posts often or close enough, you'll sometimes see where i add [after the main text] a definition of a word or phrase. i'm geeky like that cos i feel that words and symbols are important and should be used in the proper context.

i get most of my definitions from http://www.dictionary.com - a great source not only of defns but interesting and/or trivial facts.

they posted these articles recently.

1. the people's choice 2010 word of the year - EPIC
.... http://hotword.dictionary.com/woty/
.... http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/epic
i love what they wrote in the article...
We propose the following resolution for 2011: watch your words, learn precise, fresh ways to express yourself, and enjoy a year of self-awareness. We’ll be here to help.
2. the dictionary.com 2010 word of the year - CHANGE
..... http://hotword.dictionary.com/word-of-the-year

3. the meaning behind "eleven"
.... http://hotword.dictionary.com/eleven/

so, was your 2010 an EPIC year???

mine was. dont know about the heroic part, but definitely "of unusually great size or extent"

* most women visited in a year in my 10+ years of hobbying
* most visits to a single woman in a year [and she doesnt even live in dallas!!]
* most doubles in a year [and only 1 was way less than deliteful]
* 73% extremely deliteful visits [they're on my gvha list]
* 12% fairly deliteful visits [they're on my gvha list but lower]
* 15% less than deliteful visits [they're on my dont-gvha list].
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
I heard somewhere that the most hated word of 2010 was "whatever." Not sure of the source, however.
Chainsaw Anthropologist's Avatar
I admire your geekiness (spell check just told me that's wrong.) I use http://www.onelook.com as my major reference source as it incorporates as many sources as it can find that include your search word.

I didn't appreciate it at the time, having a mother who was also an English teacher, but in retrospect, I do now. Three of the years top words discombobulate, brouhaha, and in some instances defenestration were part of her vocabulary so I have more than a passing acquaintance with them. I consider love and epic more pedestrian, almost commonplace, hence less worthy of an award. But........the people have voted.

I didn't keep track of the year as closely as you. I think brouhaha would more nearly describe my year as it had moments of good, bad, and indifferent intermingled. Maybe this will be my epic year. However, as an option for word of the year, epic leaves me greatly discombobulated.