Tattooed Providers

Do guys like tattooed providers or is it a turn off?

I'm a new provider and give massages. I'm wondering if its a turn on or turn off for a woman to have a lot of tattoos? Does it hurt or help?
ElBombero's Avatar
For me, it depends on the tattoo(s) and the lady. Some are well done and accentuate the girl's finer features. In that case, I find them attractive. Some are a hodgepodge of random crap that becomes kind of distracting. But, that's just my opinion. You can probably get opinions across the entire spectrum of possible responses on this one.
Hobby Jon's Avatar
If the girl is my type is can be very hot. It's not the tattoos that turn me on its the girl and the tattoos are more of an accessory.
FunInDFW's Avatar
Here's how this is going to go:

Some guys will say yes.
Some guys will say no.
Some guys will say it doesn't matter.

Pretty much no universal answer on topics of subjectivity.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 12-20-2016, 07:57 AM
Here's how this is going to go:

Some guys will say yes.
Some guys will say no.
Some guys will say it doesn't matter.

Pretty much no universal answer on topics of subjectivity. Originally Posted by FunInDFW
A few guys will say yes.
Most guys will say no.
Some guys wont give a F.
Does it really matter? I mean, you already have tattoos. The guys that like them or don't care will come see you if you offer the services that appeal to them. The guys that don't like tattoos or services provided won't. Assuming you're not going to get your tattoos laser removed based on the responses you get here, the only thing you can change is your service list and amount of enthusiasm you have for your job. Everything else just is what it is.
corona's Avatar
I love them. Im not selective because of them, but I do love a sexy naked woman that has decorated her body with artwork.
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I have never seen a woman about whom I thought, "She'd look a lot better if she got a tattoo, or two or three."

I have seen plenty of woman about whom I've thought, "Damn, she'd have looked a lot better if she hadn't gotten the tattoo, or two or three."

I'm also of the age where tattoos on women carry a negative socio-economic connotation. It doesn't matter to some guys, but it does to me.

One thing I have learned here is that "a few non-distracting tattoos" can mean anything from a child's name tattooed on a foot to "she has more ink on her than a Sunday newspaper." It would be nice if guys would describe size and location, rather than use the useless word "nondistracting." What's nondistracting to a guy who likes tattoos could be a deal-killer to someone like me.

That being said, my ATF was so effin' beautiful and such a pleasure to spend time with that I never noticed her tattoos after the first visit.
mtabsw's Avatar
I'm good with the suicide girl look, or other art / personal. I'm not good with crowns, gang tats, and a dude's name across the top of your butt cheeks
verygood69's Avatar
I'm good with the suicide girl look, or other art / personal. I'm not good with crowns, gang tats, and a dude's name across the top of your butt cheeks Originally Posted by mtabsw
love the colorful art work!!!!!
oldmarine's Avatar
I prefer tattoo free women but it is not a hard and fast rule. It all depends on the woman and where and how many she has. I once saw a "suicide girl" just to see what it would be like and the session was fantastic. Her attitude and IOP is what made it special.
Y0yoY0's Avatar
I like tattoos and brightly colored hair, especially on a chick who is still very "girly" and feminine. That is actually the hottest thing in the world to me lol!

aubie79's Avatar
Ladies with well done ink drive me wild. Two of my favorites in DFW...

Olivia Nin

Jessa Dream
R&R474's Avatar
A woman with tattoos is very sexy. Add a few piercings and colored hair? Wow!!!!!
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Yayyyy for the guys that love us and our ink