I fuckin told you, Mongers are white, right wing extremists.

Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-16-2022, 07:04 PM
How aptly timed for the discussions of the last few days.

Pussy, guns, white supremacy, militias, its all our fault, and we didn't even know it.



"Far-right extremism is a growing threat in the United States. In recent years, white supremacist movements have seen a resurgence, while anti-government militias have become more active and conspiracy theories associated with violence have spread. Several recent mass shootings, an increase in extremist activity, and the January 2021 insurrection at the United States Capitol have drawn national attention to violent far-right extremism. With the rise of these threats, understanding the ideologies that motivate them is vital.

Increasingly, experts have identified misogyny as one such ideology that motivates violence and can be a component of far-right extremism. In 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center began identifying male supremacy as a hate ideology,1 and the Anti-Defamation League released an extensive report examining misogyny and extremism.2 In 2019, the Department of Homeland Security awarded a grant to fund research that aimed to understand the misogynistic incel movement,3 and a year later, a US Secret Service report named online misogyny as a concerning source of radicalization for mass attackers.4 Violent misogyny garnered the Biden’s administration’s attention as a growing threat, and in 2020, the president called for a national task force to study “the connection between [the online harassment of women], mass shootings, extremism, and violence against women.”
HDGristle's Avatar
Nothing in that article spoke to sex work, sex workers or mongers. Yeah, plenty of asshole far right extremists out there that despise women.

Monger doesn't mean misogynist. Monger doesn't mean far right extremist. What in the article upsets you that you're identifying as being attacked personally?
Devo's Avatar
  • Devo
  • 01-16-2022, 09:15 PM
I'm white A Duh.
HDGristle's Avatar
You do you, Devo. More power to you
eyecu2's Avatar
Nothing in that article spoke to sex work, sex workers or mongers. Yeah, plenty of asshole far right extremists out there that despise women.

Monger doesn't mean misogynist. Monger doesn't mean far right extremist. Originally Posted by HDGristle
When I saw that I immediately thought of the events involving shootings at all the Asian spas,. Clearly a mental case or 2 who's displaced anger at a woman not returning his wanton advances, or inciting him to return and spend all his money, AKA yellow fever, pushed him over the edge. There's Looney's out there - just need to know what to look for them. Some dudes just can't handle rejection well. And of course didn't he blame the women there for his depravity and sex addiction!!?