The Simple Truth: President Obama is Too Intelligent for Republicans to Understand

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
While I’m not calling him a genius, I do think he’s extremely intelligent. I also believe that his tendency to use “big picture” thinking while drafting policy is something most Republican voters simply can’t understand.

Take “Obamacare” for instance. It’s not a “fix health care today” law. In fact, the law itself is made to grow and evolve over time. My belief is that it’s a springboard to true socialized medicine. But, as it is now, it’s a long-term outlook on our health care. While many Republicans want to look at the “now” aspect of the Affordable Care Act, they seem unable to grasp the reality that as more Americans get health insurance, giving them access to preventable care, this lowers expenses down the road for everyone.

If people can prevent very costly heart attacks, strokes or other debilitating health issues now, that’s an overall savings for practically everyone from consumers to health insurers to doctors who now have more patients. Quite literally, improving the overall health of Americans will improve the health of this country. It even makes sense for our economy. If workers are healthier, because they have access to quality health care, that means there will be fewer people calling in sick to work, showing up sick to work (putting other employees at risk) or relying on government programs because their health conditions (that were preventable) render them unable to work at all.

Minimum wage is another issue you see this with. Republicans constantly paint it as a “job killer” (it’s not) while also rallying against the millions of people who are on government assistance. Funny thing though, a good portion of the Americans who are on government assistance have jobs. If we made sure that no American working full-time had to rely on government programs just to survive, instantly we would save our country hundreds of billions of dollars over the years. Not only that, but when Americans have more money, they have more to spend. And what’s the biggest driver of economic growth? Consumer spending. More consumer spending means higher profits and higher demand, which means – more jobs.

But once again, when it comes to Republicans and explaining job creation, anything outside of “tax cuts create jobs” is often too complex for many of them to understand.
The same goes for war. When it comes to ISIS, Republicans just want to send in troops and “crush the terrorists.” They’ve hammered President Obama relentlessly about how he’s handled the entire situation. See, to many of them, they just want to go in guns blazing because that’s what sounds good. But as we’ve learned by our previous war in Iraq, going into these situations haphazardly without a plan leads to absolute chaos. Remember, the existence of the ISIS we see today is a direct result of Bush’s Iraq War.

When it comes right down to it, I really do believe a huge part about why so many of the non-racist Republicans are against President Obama is because many of them are simply unable to grasp his “big picture” thinking that drives a lot of his policies. That requires intelligence and far too many conservative would rather just be told what to think by Fox News.
They want their policies to be so simplified and catchy that they fit on bumper stickers. It’s like I’ve often said, Democrats are trying to use science, math, reality, history and education to reason with people who deny science, don’t trust math, create their own reality, distort history and often devalue quality education.

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bambino's Avatar
Yeah, his "big picture" thinking is causing major insurance companies to lose money and pull out of the ACA. Premiums and deductibles are going through the roof. First POTUS in history not to produce a 3% GDP growth rate during his term. The Middle East is in more turmoil than anytime in history. Obama is a real fucking genius.
Yeah, his "big picture" thinking is causing major insurance companies to lose money and pull out of the ACA. Premiums and deductibles are going through the roof. First POTUS in history not to produce a 3% GDP growth rate during his term. The Middle East is in more turmoil than anytime in history. Obama is a real fucking genius. Originally Posted by bambino
Not to mention he has single handily set relations between the various races back 60 years, alienated 90 percent of our Nation's police officers, and pissed all over the concept of our Constitutional Republic.

Add that to the fact that he combines a unique combination of Naiveté and Stupidity when it comes to the true evils in this world.

But, I do understand that he's cool. Really cool. That's what really counts.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The Simple Truth: Odumbo depends on "#Grubered", "ignorant" and "stupid" minions he lies to to get his policies enacted. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
FTFY, Sissy Chap, and if Odumbocare is so peachy keen, Sissy Chap, why the fuck was the last tax measure to fund Odumbocare postponed to kick in on someone else's watch, Sissy Chap?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
of course NO ONE can understand him. he speaks an obscure version of jive. let's translate shall we?

ahahahahaghahaghagagagagagagaa ggahahahahahahahahahahahahahah SNICK!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Jesus, Fisting Chap! If you believe all that crap, you're a bigger idiot than I thought. And I didn't think that was possible.