Trump supporter goes on an Anti-semitc rant at an arizona rally

I hope that Jewish attorney guy reads this post :
Trump campaign manager: Supporter who shouted ‘Jew-S-A!’ at media is ‘deplorable’
Dylan Stableford 4 hours ago Comments Sign in to like Reblog on Tumblr Share Tweet Email

Donald Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne Conway says the man who shouted “Jew-S-A!” at reporters covering the Republican nominee’s rally in Phoenix on Saturday would have been removed had she been there.

“His conduct is completely unacceptable and does not reflect our campaign or our candidate,” Conway told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” Sunday.

When asked by Tapper whether she would call the man’s conduct “deplorable” — a term used by Hillary Clinton to describe some of Trump’s supporters — Conway said she would.

“That man’s conduct was deplorable,” Conway said. “And had I been there, I would have asked security to remove him immediately. Clearly, he doesn’t speak for the campaign or the candidate, and what he had to say was disgusting.”

The man — who was wearing a “Hillary for Prison” T-shirt — began heckling the traveling press corps while Trump was speaking, turning his back on the candidate to glare at the media assembled inside the press pen.

“You’re going down! You’re the enemy!” he shouted.

Then — as the crowd chanted “U-S-A!” — the man returned to offer his anti-Semitic version.
ICU 812's Avatar
Kooks and crack-pots are everywhere and in both parties this year.

Anyway . . .half the population is below average.
goodman0422's Avatar
Change a few things around and make this a Hillary supporter and the article would have been written to still blame Trump.

The media is in the tank for Hillary. Any real news here?
Change a few things around and make this a Hillary supporter and the article would have been written to still blame Trump.

The media is in the tank for Hillary. Any real news here? Originally Posted by goodman0422
Fuck you, maybe the guy who destroyed the Trump star was a paid Trump supporter
bambino's Avatar
Fuck you, maybe the guy who destroyed the Trump star was a paid Trump supporter Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
No, fuck you. Cocksucking faggot.
No, fuck you. Cocksucking faggot. Originally Posted by bambino
Actually bamb, LUBE is a Cocksucking, tranny loving,fa ke review writin, stolen glory possessing, POS faggot !
Actually bamb, LUBE is a Cocksucking, tranny loving,fa ke review writin, stolen glory possessing, POS faggot ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
But you still don't have the balls to meet me and say it to my face do you? Come mow my lawn you illegal POS.
Go carve some punkins LUBE !!! Ya stolen valor POS !!! " seArgent " ?????????? Dafugottahea !!!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Fuck you, maybe the guy who destroyed the Trump star was a paid Trump supporter Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt

The guy in the anti-semitic rant video looks like a "paid by Hillary" plant to me. You just can't trust any of them, now can you?
goodman0422's Avatar
Fuck you, maybe the guy who destroyed the Trump star was a paid Trump supporter Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
You are officially the biggest idiot on this forum. Other liberals should be ashamed to be associated with you. (I'm sure some are.)

I honestly question how a person could be that stupid. You must be a Trump supporter planted to make Hillary supporters look stupid.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Typical Drumpf dipshit!

How about the THUG Drumpf singled out at his rally over the weekend who turned out to be a supporter?

I'm sure he was a Clinton plant, too.

The racism and hate baiting must stop.

You fuckers need to know it's NOT OK.
bambino's Avatar
But you still don't have the balls to meet me and say it to my face do you? Come mow my lawn you illegal POS. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
Fuck you. Cocksucking faggot. You couldn't kick Asswipes ass. You're a punk.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Never forget what kind of assholes we're dealing with.

Here we see a year old example if a blubbery meltdown from the prince of pierogi grease.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who's gonna get the message to TryWeakly to stop spamming this forum.
All he's done since LLiarMan brought him over from the Houston forum is bump this one thread.

Each time he bumps, this shit is happening.

Thanks, LLiarMan, for everything.

Now go fuck yourself, and your little dog too,

Oh yeah ... got any naked pictures of your Mama?
Change a few things around and make this a Hillary supporter and the article would have been written to still blame Trump.

The media is in the tank for Hillary. Any real news here? Originally Posted by goodman0422
Heck had he been at a Hillary Rally, i feel the media wouldn't even have made it newsworthy..